<p>okay, does anybody know what the CONGRESSIONAL AWARD is? and if it will make a difference in the admission process?</p>
<p>if you are talking about the Youth Leadership Conference for Congress thingy it is a waste of your money and if anything, looks REALLY bad on your app.. you might be talking of something valuable though..
can you be more specific?</p>
<p>here's the website</p>
<p>The</a> Congressional Award - America's Award for Youth</p>
<p>and just an fyi, i'm about to get this in a couple months after i finish a couple service projs.</p>
<p>"The Congressional Award has no minimum grade point average requirements. It accommodates young people with special needs or disabilities who are willing to take the challenge. The Congressional Award is open to all."</p>
<p>Doesn't sound too valuable...</p>
<p>okay yea, powerbomb, touche..</p>
<p>you should just keep up those community service projects and try to get some leadership positions.. just doing projects won't help.. if you want to be unique, make your own projects once you have become a leader in your community</p>
<p>good luck!</p>
<p>LEAVE PARIS ALONE!!!!!!!</p>
<p>had to say that</p>
<p>haha okay.. sorry??</p>
<p>lol, nice, paris hilton should get arrested</p>
<p>why is everyone so behind on this???</p>
<p>paris got arrested for speeding such a long time ago.. that b*tch had to do community service and give lectures about how we americans shouldn't speed.. what a retard..</p>
<p>if you honestly support paris hilton, good luck in getting into college :P</p>
<p>It's her own life - why does it matter to us one way or another?</p>
<p>I'm actually a little ticked at the Hilton hotels though... I went to two of them in town to see if they could donate some shampoos or conditioners for hygiene kits for the homeless. They never even allowed me to see any supervisors... "Here, call this number." 2 days later, no return call. 3 days, no call. 4 days... I go again. "Oh, he's not here. Call this number."</p>