Parking permit?

<p>S thought he didn’t want a permit and now wants one- just tried to get one and it’ll let me buy one but doesn’t give choices- so I assume they are sold out and he will be put on waiting list… anyone know about this? </p>

<p>Decided to go ahead and buy one in commuter NE in hopes he will get his choice later. Emailed Transportation services. </p>

<p>I received an email last night and they said he would most likely NOT get into lot of choice- will check this morning- said yes to refund. Guess he will just park and take a chance on a ticket- wonder what happens if you park with NO permit at all… he is not far from campus and will bike mostly but mentioned he needed one for when it rains and is cold… he didn’t check email I guess around the time it was sent… GRR!! any other tips ??</p>

<p>They hand out parking tickets as fast as they can write them and they are $50 each…</p>

<p>^^ Agree with Searchguy - the chances for a ticket are very good. Could he just pay the $5 daily parking fee for the Ferg garage for those days when he can’t bike? $5 vs. $50 seems like a good deal.</p>

<p>actually the UA park guy recommended the North ten hoor lot closer to his fraternity house… He was so nice to help me out- didn’t think he needed one anyway!</p>

<p>I did not know that students could purchase visitor parking, so this topic just got interesting for me…</p>

<p>visitor parking is for anyone …my son has a bike so he will only use if cold/rainy weather</p>