Partying at the U <21?

<p>I am a prospective student for next year and I was wondering how the social scene partying is at Miami. I was wondering if anyone could give a little information as to how much kids actually do drink and in what way. I understand that there is a lot of clubbing, and some frats, but how is the social scene actually divided. Also something that seems to go under the radar is the fact that most clubs are 21+. what do kids do for the first three years of their undergrad experience. Thats my most pressing concern but if you also want to put in a little about the sports scene slash daily life of a miami student that would also be much appreciated.</p>

<p>a lot of kids get fake id’s i imagine</p>

<p>As for the partying under 21 things, there are some clubs in miami that are 18 and older, most of the" exclusive" clubs (based on what I have noticed) are the + 21 ones</p>

<p>(Im not a UM student or anything, but I thought i’d share what I know from my experiences living down here)</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID2 using CC App</p>

<p>“…Thats my most pressing concern…”
Really? Your most pressing concern is what your partying experience will be as you age from 18 to 21? I guess everyone matures at their own speed.</p>

<p>Alright how about about I rephrase that. That is the one thing you can’t find from looking at viewbooks and reading their website, I could use way better sources than this to find information on academics, but seeing as I would also like to learn a little about the social life I thought this would be a good place. Unfortunately people like you exist, really please nobody else comment for the sake of being an *******.</p>

<p>I’m curious too. Is there a good scene for the under 21 crowd?</p>

<p>they hang out at the coconut grove or the south beach</p>

<p>Well, I’m going to UM next year, so I don’t know what the people who are actually students do.
But I live in Miami, and a lot of the clubs downtown are 18+, it’s mostly the ones of the beach that are 21+. So you can go clubbing (& Thursdays are college night, btw) without a problem when you’re 18, all of my friends already do.
There’s also hookah bars and pool halls to hang at right around campus, if you’re into that sort of stuff.</p>

<p>21 is the legal drinking age in the US. Miami will be no different than any other school. Pick you college based on something else!!!</p>

<p>Well, it is different than other schools. Generally, at schools in college towns, partying is centered around house parties, there are a lot of 18+ places, and a lot of crappy college bars that don’t ID. Bars in cities tend to be a lot more strict.</p>

<p>In Miami, you need a (good) fake ID to go to bars/clubs, so almost everyone under 21 has one. Those who don’t just stick to house parties.</p>