Payment receipt?

<p>I was wondering if you get some kind of receipt when you pay online through CARS.
do they mail you one or can you print one out??</p>

<p>Warning: You do NOT pay through CARS. CARS just tells you that you have to pay. CARS is not a payment system, it is simply their system of sending you a balance that you have to pay. You can either send them a check (which is what you basically had to do last year), or you can pay online now (e-bill or whatever it's called).</p>

<p>I haven't used e-bill yet since I haven't had to pay anything this year, but last year when I payed via check, the only receipt I would get would be the next bill, which indicated that I paid off the previous balance. I did go to them in person one time with a check, and I can't quite recall if I got a receipt then. Somehow I think I did, but I'm not 100% sure.</p>

<p>You can also use your bank's online payment system instead of using e-bill, which charges a convenience fee.</p>

<p>I meant to say confused.
so if you pay through your bank's online payment system, do you get a receipt from berkeley?</p>

<p>No, but you can log on to Bearfacts, click the CARS tab, and click payment summary. It will say that it received payment.</p>

<p>How can you check if Billing and Payments Office took some money out of your CARS account? And how can you check how much you need to pay by 8/15?</p>

<p>Billing and Payment Services does not take money out of CARS. CARS is simply a system that tells you what expenses have been incurred. If you have financial aid, FAO will credit you CARS account to reduce the amount due. Billing and Payment Services officially distributes the bill. You pay the bill either through e-bill or your your bank's check or online payment system</p>

<p>If you follow my instructions in post #5, you'll be able to find out if your payment went through.</p>