Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

4.42 weighted with 4 AP/2 DE/rest 90% honor classes.


Congratulations! I saw the details in the other thread. Was the application complete with the test scores and SRAR on 10/31 also? or did that follow a few days later?

He sent LoR, test scores, counselor package well ahead of app. App 10/31 and linked SRAR to app 11/1. He got a letter/package in snail :snail: mail today from Penn State.

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Is anyone else having trouble logging in to the student portal to check the application status? Just wondering if itā€™s a broad problem that might be fixed soon, or if Iā€™m the one with the issue. Thanks!

yes, same!

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Iā€™ve had that issue in the past. It resolved itself within hours.

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Not today but no update :disappointed:

My daughter also applied to Smeal as a marketing major, and I am regretting that we did not apply undecided. Do you know much about asking to be reconsidered if she gets rejected or sent to another campus. I thought you could only ask for reconsideration if you were sent to another school, not rejected.

you absolutely can ask for reconsideration.

She could:

  • change major to DUS
  • add summer start

(did she check that she would start summer? As weā€™ve discussed, summer is a well-known secret among alumni and locals as a great time to start).

Absolutely agree. S23 changed his major from Business at Smeal to Industrial Engg on Oct 30th (original submission in Sept) and added the summer option to better his chances. Admittedly, both majors are tough to get into, but he is undecided between Business and IE.

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Thank you! I do not want to change her early action status by changing her major. We just looked and her application says under review so I am not sure what that means. We are out of state so wouldnā€™t consider any other campus but the main campus. If they allow you to ask for reconsideration than I am thinking that we take our chances. She did not apply with a test but has a good transcript.

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Same with my ddā€¦out of state, test optional

You may want to contact the Admissions Office to check if changing the major and adding the summer start option will change the EA status.

Where was the TO Button? I donā€™t see it on my sonā€™s Portal, so I guess it already disappeared?

My daughter applied as a marketing major last year. OOS, 4.3 wgpa, 1300 sat, 15 honors, AP, & DE classes from 9-12 grade. She was offered main campus summer start in Smeal. She asked for reconsideration and was offered main campus fall as an undecided DUS admit. Now, my youngest is applying as a Communications major. I didnā€™t think that was as competitive of a major, so I didnā€™t advise her to apply as DUS. I hope that wasnā€™t a mistake. Sheā€™s not nearly as competitive of an applicant as her sister was.

Iā€™m worried right along with you!

@WonderfulJourney after the TO button disappeared, the decision came after midnight. Letter was dated the day the TO button disappeared.

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what major?

Does anyone know when decisions are sent for those applying to PSU Arts and Architecture - Graphic Design? I applied EA but was required to submit a portfolio, which I sent at the end of September. Just wondering if I will hear in November or December of if I will be moved to RD.

We are waiting for arts and architecture too. Digital Media.

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Does anyone know when Health and Human Development applications come out.