Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

Thanks, you’re totally right. I think he’s still hoping he gets into Syracuse (that would be kind of miracle, but heck, we didn’t think he’d get into PS) but in any case, we have to be on top of the accommodations thing.

Sorry - no idea. He texted me today at 3p, that’s all I know!

I wonder when the latest chance we could change the test-optional answer is? Because the option is always there. Does it mean we can always change it until it disappears?

Thanks - I know from experience that Nursing is THE toughest major at any college. Most have thousands of apps for anywhere from 70 spots (like UMass Amherst) to Penn States larger program. One has to cast a wide net and be willing to compromise for Nursing as it can be very odd as to who gets in and who does not. Many people do not realize that a University may have a 60% acceptance rate but Nursing is more like 6%-12%! My son is due to graduate from Nursing school in May 2023 so I have been through the “fun” of applying to Nursing before! I actually think it has gotten even more selective and difficult in just those 4 short years.

Congrats to your daughter! The awesome thing for those that get through it is all the opportunities - my son has already had a big name MA hospital reach out asking him if he wants to join their new grad program next year but he is keeping his options open as there are so many choices for new Nurses out there. Thanks!


You can change it as long as that option is still there. Once a decision is imminent, the option disappears and then you cannot change it.


Has anyone who applied undecided received a decision yet?

I believe so from another site I’m on

What’s the other site you’re on?

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Facebook group

I think maybe some have, but my son has not heard and he’s undecided.

Congratulations to your son! PS seems to take many kids of similar stats OOS. I personally know a few who were accepted recently. There are some majors that are tougher to get into so the higher stats kids may be applying to those (for example, business). Also a lot of people apply to PS as a safety and then hope for Michigan, which is much much harder to get into, just as you are hoping for Syracuse. Everything is so crazy the last few years so I think kids cast wider nets than they use to.

One my friends just told me they did.

It’s getting quiet here, and it’s almost December. I expected more decisions to be posted after the holiday weekend.


Same ;( test button still there

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I wish there was a specific date like other schools so that the kids can make a video of them opening their decisions. This checking several times a day for a month is exhausting and takes the fun (or disappointment) out of getting the decision. Plus a few of the kids at my daughter’s school have gotten in already so that makes it a little more stressful. There are probably close to 100 applicants from her school (OOS) since PSU is not too far away. So the fact that only a few have heard is not discouraging but it makes it a bit harder to handle.

That is great news! We just found out this morning that my son got in. He was accepted to the Scranton campus though which was disappointing but happy that he got in and it was to Smeal which is what he wanted. Do you know anything about the possibility of petitioning to start at University Park instead of the Scranton campus? Any idea how that works or does that work?

There are typically two things he could change:

  1. summer start - did he select that?

  2. college - switch to DUS (undecided). He can still get into Smeal from there. There are no direct entry majors as long as you meet gpa requirements and entrance-to-major classes.

We are hearing DUS has become much more competitive though - 3rd after Engineering and Smeal, so it may not be enough.

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Wondering if you mind sharing your son’s stats? We are waiting for decision also and applied directly to Smeal.

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GPA: 86 - not rigorous due to our school not permitting class changes during COVID.
ACT: 29
EC’s: Runs his own business and generates six figures in revenue a year. Participates in two leadership training programs, both were highly selective with a limited number of students chosen from around the country. Participated in two relief missions in a habitat for humanity type program.
He def does not compare to the other kids on here who all seem to have 98 GPA and 1500 SAT scores with 25 APs but he was able to illustrate that he is intelligent and a super driven kid. Truth is, at these big state schools I didn’t think they even read the essays - they just look at your scores and decide from there. With over 100,000 applications, there is not way they can look at everyone holistically. That said, satellite campus is definitely not ideal but at the end of the day it is admission into Smeal and worst case scenario is he 2+2’s it into University Park.

Thanks! Sounds like a solid kid with lots of ambition and success! I’ve always felt that GPA and test scores aren’t necessarily indicative of the strength of a student- but do understand with that many applications- they have to make some type of line to weed students out. My student has been admitted to Auburn and Alabama but was deferred from Georgia. I personally thought Georgia was a “extremely likely” to get in. Now I’m nervous for all the other schools- including PSU where he applied to Smeal and thinking maybe that was a mistake. Stats: 1400 SAT and 4.19 GPA- 8 AP courses. Fingers crossed and congratulations to your student!