Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

My son was admitted to DUS on 12/6 - OOS NY.


Can you share stats?

I shared them that day and also on the decisions thread.

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Is it bad that I haven’t received a decision yet? Starting to worry that they forgot my application or something lol


No, there is still time!

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Does Penn State send a letter or email at any point? I want to let my daughter have her moment naturally (not prompted by me)
 wondering how long until she may get notice (email or USMail) if she forgets to check the portal for a while?

My D23 was accepted on 11/17. I see there is a letter from Penn State in the mail today (no idea what it says since she is at school). Maybe it’s a paper acceptance letter?

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Yes, an envelope in the mail. My son was accepted last week and received a packet shortly thereafter. (It says “Congratulations” on the front!)

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Daughter just accepted to PSU Smeal Business - for main campus — but not with a regular Fall Term start. She is only able to go with the required start with a Summer Session.

Of course, this is a problem for our family for multiple reasons (including the extra finances to add this)
Has anyone ever heard of sunshine contacting the University and being reconsidering/switched to a fall term start while still being in the school of business?

 “someone”, not ‘sunshine’

How would you be able to switch from Smeal to undecided? And hoe could that hurt your chances of getting back into the college of business later?

@Ariseth Your daughter can call admissions and ask to be reconsidered for DUS for fall. Students in DUS can take the same classes as those in (pre)Smeal. If the requirements (coursework and GPA) are met, she will be admitted to a Smeal major.

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they aren’t past the EA timing yet. patience.

first, summer is a great option. My kids were not “required” to do it - other than by me - but it was terrific for them.

Having said that, she can ask for reconsideration if she switches to DUS (undecided). DUS is also becoming incredibly competitive, but less so than Smeal. She may be allowed to start fall in DUS.

As for asking for reconsideration for staying in Smeal and starting fall? Why? What changed in her application that made her a stronger candidate? They already looked at her for a Smeal Fall admit and she didn’t meet that criteria, so what is new?

She will take ETM (entrance to major) classes from either DUS or Smeal to get into her major (usually sophomore spring). She can schedule all the classes she needs from either of those colleges.

If summer is truly a no-go, then call and ask about switching majors for a fall start.

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As long as she meets the criteria to get into her major from either Smeal (premajor) or DUS, she will get into her major. No one is “in” their major until they’ve met the ETM classes, gpa requirement, and credit window. All of which can happen from DUS or Smeal. It CANNOT happen from other colleges though (Ag, Communications, etc.).

Thanks Lucy.
Do you know if PSU looked at whether or not students checked off the “optional summer” when they were making their Fall Term cohort decisions? Do you think that by marking off potential summer option, made an impact on not getting Fall term start?
Or, does PSU make the Fall Term decisions separate and blind to whether or not a student marked off “possible summer if they don’t get the Fall” ?

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Here is how the process works:
Smeal Admissions looking at Smeal applicants:
“Did they make the cut for fall?”
=> if yes, offer admission
=> if no, go to next step.

“Did they check summer? Are they above the line for summer?”
=> if yes, offer summer admission
=> if no, go to next step.

“What commonwealth campus did they select? Can we offer them admission?”
=> if yes, offer commonwealth
=> if no, is there an alternate campus ?
=> if no, then deny.

so, Admissions will not look to see if someone checked summer admission and think “ooh, I know they are qualified for fall, but they checked summer, so let’s only offer them that”. (
 UNLESS they put summer as their first choice for admissions.)

Honestly, summer is great for kids - to get 6 credits under their belt, learn campus, make friends, figure out dorm and cafeteria living, etc. Highly recommend.


So the TO option finally just disappeared on my son’s portal
here we go! So nervous right now
he told me he just wants to tell me when he gets his decisions because doesn’t like to think about it - so I’m the one delivering the news. Praying for good news on this one (and with a UP campus admission) because it’s his top choice right now.


My son’s disappeared too. Ready or not
.here it comes!


Ugh I just checked and it’s still there! Good luck!!