Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

Besides the accelerated Pre-med program which is super hard to get in to, is there a Pre-Med major at Penn State?

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University Park is closed all day tomorrow, which probably means some small delay in stuff getting done? But doesn’t look like more than one day – weather will be bad here starting in the wee hours

My Daughter was accepted to UP/Fall today DUS
 3.9 GPA UW/4.0. Seems as though they release a bunch of DUS today. Good Luck to everyone.


My daughter was accepted to Smeal Harrisburg on 12/10 (first choice was UP campus). On Monday, 12/12 she emailed admissions and requested a change to DUS. Admissions emailed back the same day and made the change in the Portal. They said she might not hear back until early spring. Her original app was submitted on 10/6 for EA. Has anyone else heard that it would take that long?

OOS (CA) son’s TO button disappeared when we checked around 7pm PT and then checked Lion Path to find his acceptance letter! He is beyond thrilled Penn State UP is top 3, maybe even #1. Liberal Arts-Latin American Studies major 3.75 W GPA, TO, football, lots of volunteer hours/leadership and worked last 2 years. Yay!


I wonder if we should call the admission and ask when will be the last day they send admittance before the holiday

Daughter admitted in Altoona last night. Not very happy. Has anyone changed majors and admitted into UP? She applied for Psychology but thinking about changing to Undecided. Any input would be appreciated.

Hello. What changed in the portal after you requested the change? My son’s portal looks exactly the same as when he was accepted to Abington campus. He sent email to admissions on Monday as well.

It shows that it’s back in review. The dreaded TO button is back. And when you scroll down the major and academic college changed to DUS.


OMG. Why haven’t they shared that with my son. He called and asked yesterday if the portal will change because I saw some people say it did. They said no. I worry his change request has not gone through. They are closed today, but I will ask him to send an email.
Thanks for your reply.

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What is your intended major? If it’s the athletic training track, that’s a 1+3 program because most classes are at UP.

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Definitely have him send another email. Hopefully admissions is working remotely.

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Same here with Psychology and Scranton, which is a commuter school with no dorms! We should have picked undecided

Some seem to have called and asked to be considered for summer admit. School is at/near the top of the list, but not sure we’d so a summer start.


Hi folks,
Sorry I’ve been MIA for a few days. I was moving an entire household to a new house!

I didn’t get a chance to read through all of the messages but I did skim through. IF you have a specific question that you think I can answer that wasn’t already answered by the several very knowledgeable folks here who’ve been here as long as I have, then tag me in the post or send me a direct message so I don’t miss it.

A few things I noticed that I wanted to address quickly -

A “deferral” is not the same as the “waitlist”. If they get to Dec 24th and they ran out of time to get to, let’s say for simplicity, 100 applications. Those 100 students will be pushed into the regular decision pool, but will not usually have to wait until Jan 31st. They basically put those applications down and then when they come back from break they will resume processing the EA applications. It has nothing whatsoever to do with admissibility. It is simply that they ran out of time. If I remember correctly, they will let those students know that is what happened.
Don’t panic though - Most years they get to everyone by the deadline. The EA option is relatively new to the admission process at Penn State
It used to be everyone heard by Jan 31.

The waitlist on the other hand means that you don’t quite meet what they’d like for admission, but they will put you on the waitlist until they can see if they have room after those with higher stats get in.

If you want to see very detailed admission stats, go to the Common Data Set for Penn State. Here is the link to last year’s data:

You can see about 2400 ppl were offered a waitlist spot last year. Of those 1400 were offered spots. I have no proof of this, but my feeling is the wait list is for late applications as most others without the required stats are offered a commonwealth campus.

It used to be that housing deposit dates determined order of being assigned housing - so an earlier decision meant that you had a better chance of getting your first choice housing assignment. It’s not done that way any longer and like most things with Penn State, it’s now random. So date of acceptance will have no bearing on housing or anything else. It’s a pain to wait, but, especially with EA applications, there should still be plenty of room and I don’t think anyone from EA will be on a waitlist. They MAY be deferred to priority decision though - which is a decision by Jan 31 - but that is only if they run out of time to get all applications completed.

Lastly, in previous years, they had decisions coming out after they went on winter break. That’s because, with technology, they can schedule the release of decisions over time so that the system isn’t overloaded. Whether they do that this year or not remains to be seen - but in other years decision were coming out after admissions was closed.

Anything else, let me know!


I just need to know when im going to get my decision. This waiting game is torture

What were her stats? Usually, liberal arts majors are less competitive than DUS (undecided), but psychology is a popular major. Sometimes it doesn’t matter what major if the stats aren’t where they need to be for UP campus.

i’m still waiting over here too.

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Portal changed here to DUS from Smeal, but test optional button never came back and it says currently under review. I was wondering about the test optional button. It was changed on Monday.

Try to do one of three things:

  1. change to summer start (kids love it!)
  2. change to DUS - although I think that’s unlikely to work because DUS is more competitive lately
  3. change to Altoona, Harrisburg or Erie campuses which are 4 year colleges in their own right. This would be relatively easy to do. Students love these campuses as well.
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If i switch to libral arts and get in then am I able to switch majors after my sophmore year?