Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

I think that the tuition is for just the first couple years … and then it goes up from 60+ credits.

TO button finally gone! Hoping for UP!


Glad to hear they were working remotely. Wishing you best of luck!

Just see ours is gone too finally. Good luck :pray:


Good luck to you too!

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Keep us posted! Fingers crossed!

She can request reconsideration for DUS without a summer start. But - anecdotally, we are hearing DUS is competitive this year. If that is what she wants to do, I would do it sooner rather than later. No reason to wait if that is what she wants.

We (parent volunteers) have heard that you do not lose your regular place if you ask for reconsideration. But… if it were my kid, I wouldn’t trust internet advice and would ensure I heard it from a true Penn State Admissions rep.

Yes, tuition goes up after 60 credits - that is usually for a junior. Whether or not you agree, it flows from the idea that junior and senior level classes are smaller, so tuition should be higher accordingly. Not saying I agree with that, but that is the rationale.

I would highly recommend she go summer.

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Scholarship info is typically in March, I think. Have low expectations and you won’t be disappointed.

What college?

Honestly, with a 3.95 uw and 4.17 w, she probably won’t get anything. My kids were higher and got nothing except a National Merit Finalist award that occurred in September of freshman year as a (nice) surprise.

My daughter still has the damn TO button. Hoping for good news for everyone who will get a decision tonight.

woohooo!!! Exciting! The decision will show up on LionPath first (it showed up for my son around 10pm/10:30pm) before the portal! Keep us posted!

DD got accepted to Altoona campus. She applied DUS & summer start. She emailed admissions today to ask for reconsideration for liberal arts & summer start at UP. Is this something they are inclined to to or is it rare for them to change?

This makes me happy! I was hoping you would hear today! Hoping it’s for UP too!
As others have mentioned, when you go into LionsPath and under the communications tab…click on details to actually get the link to open the letter. It showed up for us about an hour after the TO button disappeared - and the portal was updated at midnight.

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Thank you! Nothing yet under the communications tab. I’m literally shaking!

TLDR: if your kid was admitted for summer, send them summer.

I wish I could make this a sticky, but probably better for me to get it off my chest now. Summer is a really good option. I know if feels like a disappointment for many, but it is a blessing in disguise. I see many kids - who came fall like “normal” - struggle first fall semester. Those summer kids? they’ve figured out the roommate, campus layout, the dining hall, the workload. I also see the summer kids jump into clubs and activities when they start (week 2) in fall, where some of the “regular fall” starts are still figuring things out in week 2.

The other side of it is this. I’m sorry if this comes off harsh, but I will put it out there. Penn State is competitive. It can be overwhelming. Weed out classes are hard. If your kid was recommended for summer, then by all means, give them a jump start or a leg up or some other cliche and have them start summer.

We all think it is a race for HS grades and APs and DEs and getting into college. The real race starts in college. How well prepared are they? Whether admissions gets it right or wrong, for some reason, they think your kid would benefit by starting summer. Personally, if I am going to err, I’d rather err on the side of over-prepared, classes are easy, things are going well than the opposite… kids is overwhelmed, classes are a struggle, and it is harder than they realized. Calc is hard, languages are hard, English is hard… the answer depends on the kid. But a parent of multiple children and many friends who have kids there, I see it.

I’m not trying to scare people, but just step back and think about the bigger picture.


2Pennstater I am sending positive vibes…keep us posted!

haha I was too!!! I didn’t want to open it at first!

At least your TO button doesn’t want to hang around for Christmas dinner like ours :slight_smile:


Same here my son is starting to stress 2 of his friends already were informed last week of their acceptance at UP … and yup the TO button is still there for him … he has had already one EA acceptance come in to one of his safety choices not his first choice which would be PSU… :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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My son and I liked the idea of a summer start based on the suggestions here so that’s what my son requested on his app. I didn’t realize that having a summer start is less desired by many - is it like being a runner up to the fall start? Fall start > summer start > commonwealth campus depending on stats?

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Same here. My DD is really starting to worry. So many of her friends have gotten in but she is still waiting. Can’t help but start to doubt everything.