Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

Does anyone know if they post acceptance results over the weekend? Or we need to stop looking till Monday……

Some are loaded on Friday, I believe, and may show up on Saturday. Sunday is very unlikely.

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8-12 weeks ? For EA ? Or regular decision ? I thought the cutoff for EA decisions was Dec 24th …

WHAT?? Who told you that?

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You are correct. You will hear from them by that date if you applied before November 1st (EA deadline)

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Unless they are doing something different this weekend, you can relax and check portal on Monday. TO button disappears from 6pm to 11 PM based on the reported times on this forum. Unless you changed your Test Optional choice. In that case TO button may not disappear at all and you will have to keep checking portal.

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I believe the 8-12 weeks/early spring they are referring to is for EA students who received a satellite or summer start for their EA decision and then called/emailed to change their major or summer start option for reconsideration. Sounds like reconsideration will not be handled within the EA decision timeframe and will take longer to get a “new” decision. That was my take on what was mentioned in those posts but I could be wrong.


Just so you know it says congrats we are. In the mail. So must read the actual letter to see which campus

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A friend still hasn’t heard

I have 2 who have applied. My son has been accepted to Eberly a week ago. My daughter applied 2 weeks before my son (in October) to Smeal and still has not heard back. Both UP campus. She is a higher stats kid then my son. No rhyme or reason other then different major.

My daughter emailed for reconsideration for a major change and for UP. I called Admissions to follow up and she said we’d likely hear back in February.


I am an HS senior, who has a 3.96 GPA and great extracurriculars. I was given Berks for CS. I went test-optional, but am wondering if a 1280 SAT score submission would have made a difference. Also, I am wondering if I should also call or email admissions to ask for DUS at UP or a major change for UP? Thank you!

My son had a 1310 SAT and still went test optional and was able to get CS at UP. Can they reconsider you for UP if you go test optional? Or are your choices at this point to go DUS or a major change for UP. That’s something I’d ask admissions. Good luck!

Thank you!

A 1280 is on the low end of the middle 50% so it is doubtful that would have helped and may have hurt. The College of Engineering is a very competitive admission. It’s likely that your HS weights heavily, you didn’t have the expected classes in HS for admission into the CoE or the application pool is just very competitive.

You can call and ask for any or all of the following:
Reconsideration for summer start and CoE
Reconsideration for DUS or a different major and fall
Or, most likely option of success - Reconsideration for summer start and a different major

They will not reconsider you for fall without a change in your application such as a major change.

Summer start seems to be a big deal. I am wondering how many choose that option and still get accepted to second choice campus. Specially when we talk about Business, CoE, nursing etc…Is summer program large enough to take all competitive applicants or students simply choose not to select that option?

My son didn’t choose summer option

I think my son said that summer has about 2,000 students but that sounded like a lot to me

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Son was admitted UP Smeal- summer start. On acceptance letter it says “each year more than 2,000 high achieving and successful first year students get a head start on their college experience and begin their Penn State journey through the University Park campus summer session”


My son wanted to do the summer start after hearing wonderful things about it! He selected it on his application and got admitted to College of Engineering for Computer Science at University Park.