Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yes, our son did. There are several posted on the FB page who did as well.

That’s awesome. Congrats!

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We are OOS and the tuition is just so very expensive that even with the Award, we are looking at $54K per year. We are waiting on Schreyer, but even with that (if our son is accepted - which of course would be wonderful), the cost would be $49K per year v. our IS option of $31K. It’s really hard to justify that type of difference.

I hear you.


@TinaLaura Nope lots of OOS kids go to AZ Because of the generous OOS merit and great honors college programs. My Ohio Student was accepted to Penn State, U Delaware, OSU, U Maryland, Rutgers, Pitt, IU (deferred at UW Madison) but at the moment ASU and U of A are most likely the two we will be choosing between. We know there’s lots of people waiting so we are going to decline the Penn State offer today now that we know there is no merit. The tuition at ASU with merit is down to the same as it would cost us INN at Ohio State and while we know Ohio State is a fantastic opportunity, it’s 20 minutes away and my kiddo wants a new adventure further away from home so she may be headed to Arizona. Of course we loved PSU all those other schools but so far not enough merit to be do-able. Very best of luck to your PSU students


Really appreciate the above poster, Melhope, for mentioning that their student is officially declining after ruling out PSU. Was just thinking about making a general plea to those who become sure that PSU is not the one to submit that decline. We know some great kids on the waitlist or up for reconsideration who would be grateful for the chance to enroll. My kid committed early and without qualms. Best of luck to all at all landing spots!


@Keternovan I would start at this page and follow the links as needed.

@kidzfirst101 @cali_mom_of_2 @patrick_curley were you guys able to contact admissions and learn any additional information? (ie. when you will be hearing?)

Just found out I got accepted to the University Park RD today for Civil Engineering!! Very happy about this. :grin:



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Does anyone know the chances of getting into Smeal business school for soph year after being admitted as undeclared. They told us this was the best way to get into it and now I’m wondering if that’s truly the case

congrats! when did you submit? we are still waiting…

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She got in in December EA. Submitted mid October

Great congratulations!

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@NFreddy1 read up thread. Exhaustive discussion of this.

Looks like 4 days ago is detailed explanation from me and @jlhpsu .

TLDR: go into DUS. Follow Smeal entrance to major plan and you will be fine.

See above in this thread - it’s explained with some good details. Overall gist is that DUS and Smeal pre admits are in the same boat from day 1 - just have your son/daughter tell their DUS advisor that they want to go into X major in Smeal and they can register them into the same classes that the corresponding Smeal preadmits take freshman and sophomore year. Then as long as they meet the entrance to major(ETM) and GPA requirements for the major they can apply when they’re within the credit window(have to complete a certain min/max num of PSU credits before applying) and they’re automatically in. No advantage to Smeal preadmit over DUS. They are equal.

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Found it. Thank you!

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The exact same for my son. It was number one choice and also got accepted 2+2. Asked for reconsideration for DUS but will not start in the summer. He’s got a group of best friends that he wants to spend the summer with not to mention we’ve already planned a family trip so this could hurt his chances of getting accepted DUS but he also was accepted to Ohio State and UMass and some other northern schools so we’re going to look at those.

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I also know that with Smeal business you have to meet some fairly rigid requirements to enter into the business major. I don’t know if other majors are like that at Penn. With other universities you can be admitted directly as a freshman without having to meet any requirements. My son loves a challenge and does a good job setting goals and meeting them but it’s also quite a bit of pressure your freshman/sophomore year so it’s possible some kids just don’t want to deal with that and choose to go elsewhere.

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I submitted my SAT score and Transcript by November 1st, but forgot to do my SRARs until mid December, which is why I was pushed to RD. They responded sooner than I thought though, so I hope you hear something sooner than later too.

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