Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

I read the same thing… what’s wild there… absolutely wild is I don’t know how anyone can score essays.

I feel like some parents or chatGPT might write essays. Seems like an interview process would be more appropriate.

Son did the optional interview. Weighting of that for consideration unknown.

Lastly, one of the ladies that is a reviewer of the SHC apps, while all past parents suggested essays are key… like she literally said, NOPE, don’t matter.

She said two reviewers, if both get YES, slam dunk.
If both get NO, out.
If one YES and one NO, then go through essays.

Now who knows, maybe she oversimplified and so on…

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@DadOfBoys3 @AAJ724 Schreyer is extremely competitive.

Yes, they read essays. They have a team of professors who read them and “score” them. Every application (including essays) is read by at least two people - and if those are inconsistent, the application is read by a third person (usually Schreyer admissions is the third). Also, the academic record is scrutinized and scored - so those HS honors and AP classes are reviewed for consistency with an intended major (ie. higher level math classes for Engineering, for example).

Generally, the interview helps. (based on statistics - a higher percentage of people get in who have interviewed than those who have not interviewed. Don’t know how significant that percentage delta is.)

Having said all that, honestly, it is a big of a crap shoot. They also have to balance a class with majors, geography, etc. No different than competitive admissions elsewhere.

Feel free to DM me if you have more questions.

But don’t let this be a dealbreaker if a kid does not get into Schreyer. Virtually every opportunity is open to Schreyer kids and non-Schreyer kids. Schreyer may make some things a little easier, but non-Schreyer kids aren’t “shut out” of opportunities. I speak from experience of having a Schreyer kid and a non-Schreyer kid.

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Do we know when admission results to SHC will be released? I thought it was middle to end of February…

@Floramom1 hasn’t your kid gotten a date? usually, Schreyer sends out an email with a specific date and time that results will be uploaded. (usually 3pm or after school)

Nope no date sent, but status page shows everything was complete on time.

Did your child receive an email with the date results are coming out?

They did not send emails as of today. However I was told by SHC admissions that decision date will be March 1st.

I know for a fact having read the website, contacted the office, etc., that the date is MARCH 1st.

My only question is “about what time of day” does PSU release the SHC decision…

Shoot didn’t ask that but I rememysomeone saying 3pm for some reason.

We’re also waiting for the Schreyer decision. I think it would be a great fit for DS in terms of making the big school a little smaller. It’s sooo competitive, so we won’t be crushed if he doesn’t get in, but he worked hard on the essays, has excellent grades and clear interest in his intended (for now) major, and also interviewed. No matter what, I’m proud of him for persisting through that LONG application and giving it a try. The $5000 scholarship would be nice, but we will likely make it work even without it. PSU has been his dream school since he was very young (my husband is an AE alum). Fingers and toes crossed that we all hear good news on 3/1!


Well said!

Question about minors. On the suggested academic plan for a few majors I looked at there are only 1-2 classes set aside for electives. How do students normally fit in a minor? For example if you wanted a business minor how do you fit in the required classes like accounting, marketing and management? None of those seem to be considered gen Ed so you couldn’t use your gen Ed slots for them(economics can be used as a gen Ed but the other 3 don’t appear to be valid options unless I’m missing something).

@CD4 depends on the minor. And the major. Some majors are more prescribed and have less room for electives.

Also, if kids have AP credits coming in, that gives them extra wiggle room. Or if they are in a major that requires a language and they don’t have to take those 12 credits, that opens up credit room. My D graduated with a Smeal major and 4 minors in 4 years without taking more than 15 credits and studied abroad (many of the study abroad classes don’t count for Smeal major classes, so she used them for minor classes).

It is key to plan ahead if this is the plan.

What majors/minors? Or DM me.

When I went there (too long ago) PSU required 3 credits of Phys Ed too - a bowling class is not exactly helpful in adding minor of interest. Not sure if that is still the case.

That gave me a laugh to remember!! I forgot about that! I think it was 2 gym classes we had to take actually! I took orienteering and karate!! Fun times!

And I still can’t bowl lol

There is still a GHW requirement. Think it’s a total of 3 credits, but most are 1.5 credits. Something like that.

It really depends on the major. My Soph. daughter has a double major and most of the requirements overlap, and with the courses required, could declare a history minor with those without any extra effort. But she came into school with 24 dual enrollment credits to open her schedule…getting English Comp, the GHW, and Chem 1 out of the way.

FYI Re: Schreyer decision
This just in:
Thank you for you and your student’s interest in Penn State and the Schreyer Honors College. We’re writing to inform you that the Honors College will release its decisions on Tuesday, February 28, at 3:30 p.m. ET.

Please note the following information:

  • Decisions will be posted online on our website and by your student with the same username and password as their MyPennState Portal. Please have your student bookmark this page, as this is the only place Schreyer Honors College decisions will be posted. Your student’s decision will not be posted to MyPennState. Please note that your student will need to log in to see their decision. Information on the landing page is general and is not personal to your student.

You sure this isn’t a fishing scam…. seems weird that it is directing you to not to login to the portal and making you click the link with your penn state portal info.