<p>How important are these in the admission process? How bad is it that I have not yet started them, and the application deadline is next Thursday? (January 1st)</p>
<p>start now.</p>
<p>yea start now. I spent 2 months on those lol to perfect them with my teachers,friends,myself and to submit it. In the end it was a strong part of my application as well as my essay. So think,drink,eat breath and BE the personal statement =](alittle dramatic lol)</p>
<p>Are they just a straightforward answer to the question or am I supposed to write it in essay form? How long were yours, and would anyone be able to give me an example of what they are looking for?</p>
<p>mine were pretty okay, i think.<br>
all of them were around the 500 character limit, and two were exactly 500.<br>
I just answered the questions as truthfully and creatively as I could.<br>
think of it as a place to let the adcoms get to know you- if they really like you as a person based on personal statements, then they may be more forgiving of any other faults in your app. </p>
<p>Also, I think they must matter, because NYU admissions are too arbitrary statistically for them to be totally meaningless. Besides, if they weren’t going to consider them, they wouldn’t make you write them.</p>
<p>they would also like you to get right to the meat of the question. don’t do and intro or conclusion like an essay. Just start with the body as creative as you can.</p>
<p>i started mine on 25th, and submitted it yesterday lol
i just tell the truth…</p>
<p>how do you spend so much time on them when they are only 500 characters each? with such a limit, it is pretty hard to write what I want to say.
did you cut out any word that was not needed?</p>
<p>the hard part was it being so short but trying to jam all the information in- while sounding good. Also, time on making it perfect as in - fixing sentences,grammar,ect…</p>
<p>Ugh, I’m writing mine write now. I can’t think of anything for the what song would you sing in the talent show question. And I can’t fit anything into the box, hate the word limit!</p>
<p>Oh well, NYU is like a reach for me, so I probably won’t get in anyway, lol.</p>
<p>I did `em all in two days.</p>
<p>you might want to get crackalackin on those…</p>