PhD acceptance, Political Science

Hey there! I’ve been accepted into the PhD program @ Tulane in political science and I’ve received an unofficial letter offering me tuition remission and stipend. But unfortunately I have not yet received an official letter to be able to accept the offer yet. How long does this generally take?


No idea. We rarely get grad students on here. But what makes the letter you have unofficial? Is it on either Tulane administration or Tulane Poli Sci letterhead?

It was an email from the director of the department stating specifically that. I’m assuming that they were behind on sending out the letters or something of that nature.


I would say if it has been more than 2 weeks since you got the email, it would not be considered impatient or rude to call or email and ask if it was sent.

Thanks for the advice. Seems like I’m going to have to do just that. It seems that desperation has taken the best of me. I’ve been accepted into four graduate programs, but given the lack of an official letter of acceptance from Tulane (the program I wanted to go to), I don’t want decline admission offers from any other school yet.

That is very wise.