phone interview

<p>i have a phone interview with some schools coming up.
i've never done a phone interview. any advice?
any info would be appreciated.</p>

<p>thanks in advance</p>

<p>i recently did a phone interview w/ lfa, i think it went quite well. really its on the phone, so the person can’t see you if you’re smiling, whether you’re fretting, wtever so I thought all my in person interviews went really well, and phone interview didn’t go as well as the person ones. i think it’s basically the same thing as a real one, just its on the phone and you can’t see each other.</p>

<p>i actually like phone interviews better because i dont get nervous. when im face to face with a person i always think they are judging me on what i say, which they probably are. since you’re not nervous, your words come out more freely and you’re more relaxed.</p>

<p>relax, talk a lot, dont just say yes or no, be more indepth, write down your extracurriculars so you dont forget, write down your questions, have the viewbook right next to you so can ask questions. lock the door and make sure it’s quiet so no one can interrupt your interview</p>

<p>I have one next week for SPS and I’m nervous :S</p>

<p>Don’t be nervous. SPS espically simply asks you questions and you give an answer. Unlike other interviews where they want you to try and start a conversation. Dont be nervous and you’ll be fine :)</p>

<p>I like the phone interviews much better because I’m more confident, less stammering going on, got my notes in front of me (so it’s not even rude), and you don’t need to look at their eyes the whole time. (Which bugged me because I didn’t know where to look and I get nervous when people stare me for so long)</p>

<p>how long does the phone interview last? approximately…
is it like two-hour long conversation like that of campus tour?</p>

<p>the two i took were about 45 minutes to an hour. make sure you have a list of questions for your interviewer near you and that you have all you materials near you as well. i went to and got all the info on the school and then highlighted the important information, which is what i commented/asked questions on.</p>

<p>mine with emma willard took 20 minutes. quick, easy, and fun. the one with exeter was very stiff</p>

<p>Mine with NMH was about 30-40 minutes. I thought it was too short! I guess not! :slight_smile:
Since I thought it was too short, I started stalling by asking a lot of questions… lol</p>

<p>^^ hahaha, I always take the last slot so they don’t have to follow a time limit.</p>

<p>Oh, they had a time limit? haha, I didn’t know that, I just kept stalling to keep her on the phone because my phone interviews usually ended up longer than an hour. (That was back in October though)</p>

<p>O, well idk. In real life there usually time slots (or atleast the ones ive done), so if I pick the last time slot I know they don’t have to immediately get to anyone else. Might not be the same on the phone.</p>

<p>mine with an exeter alumni was 1-2 hours at her house?</p>

<p>It probably depends where the interviewer is when s/he is interviewing you. For example, if they’re at work or taking the call from their office, chances are it’ll be shorter. If its from the comfort of their own home - longer. </p>

<p>At least that’s how it was with in-person interviewing. </p>

<p>Also, it def. depends on the interviewer. But most interviewers will try to put you at ease.</p>