Pick up at BWI Airport?

<p>Does JHU provide a shuttle bus that picks up international student at BWI airport? If not, what is the safest way from the airport to homewood campus? (im a girl and i'll be travalling alone so I don't think it's a good idea to take a cab) thanks.</p>

<p>I don't think taking a taxi cab would be dangerous at all. I know a lot of girls that have ridden in one from the airport alone....but taxi cabs are pretty expensive. Every time I take one it costs around $30, but if you run into another Hopkins student and split the fare, it isn't bad. THere is also something called the Light Rail you can take that brings you to Penn Station, and from there you can take the Hopkins shuttle to Homewood Campus. Right before big breaks Hopkins organizes buses to take students to the airport, but they don't bring students back from the airport (atleast this was the case when I took the bus to the airport before winter and spring break)</p>

<p>There are no safety concerns about cabs. This is true in any major area of the US. Cabs and drivers are licensed and monitored. By all means take a cab. </p>

<p>The light rail is a great option for saving money. It is safe and only costs a couple of dollars. If you are a first time, nervous travellor with luggage, the savings will not be worth the effort.</p>

<p>The only thing that I don't like about the Light Rail is how slow it is. This is probably just bad timing on my part but I have always had to wait atleast 30 minutes at a station for it to come and pick me up...And everytime I have been on it there have been some sketchy people, but by no means dangerous. The easiest thing to do is take a taxi and hopefully find somebody to ride with you to split the fare.</p>

<p>when i went to visit i took the supershuttle from BWI to the homewood campus ($19)</p>

<p>when i was going to the airport i took a cab from jhu to penn station (6) and took the MARC train to amtrak station ($4)..BWIish, where there is a free shuttle to BWI and they drop you off around your gate.</p>

<p>I would recommend against a cab unless it is totally necessary, like if u have a lot of luggage. The cabs can run you as much at $45 if there is traffic. The school supplies transportation to BWI on all the vacation breaks. I would recommend the free med school shuttle to penn station, and the the marc train for $4 as long as its a weekday to BWI rail station.</p>

<p>I think pretty much all your options have been listed:
[<em>]Cab to campus - around $40 - allows lots of luggage
[</em>]Supershuttle to campus - around $20 - allows 2 pieces of luggage
[<em>]MARC train to Penn station for $4 then cab to campus for ~$7
[</em>]Light rail - cheap, but slow and you probably don't want to go on it alone at night.

<p>Once you're a student, you can take the free shuttle between Penn Station and Homewood campus; the Residential Life office also offers shuttles to the airport before each vacation.</p>

<p>It should be noted that the MARC train doesn't run on weekends, though. Not a problem if you're travelling on a weekday, though.</p>

<p>I don't know if I have been lucky but I have taken a cab from BWI to Homewood atleast 5 times and the fare has never been above $30.</p>

<p>what's a supershuttle? (i've never been to the states in my life - and im not joking!!)</p>

<p>The SuperShuttle[/url</a>] is a big blue van that will group together people going to the same part of town and take you all together. ([url=<a href="http://www.supershuttle.com/htm/cities/bwi.htm%5DBWI">http://www.supershuttle.com/htm/cities/bwi.htm]BWI</a> specific info here). You can make a reservation if you want, but it's not necessary and it's probably easier to go to the SuperShuttle counter right near the baggage claim area. You tell them where you want to go and pay for the ride and then you'll have to wait for a little while until they get a handful of people going to the same place. I've never had to wait more than 15-20 minutes for a shuttle.</p>

<p>thanks for all those really helpful options! </p>

<p>1 more question - i think it would be the safest way if i could book a transportation that is Hopkins-owned... so is there any sort of bus that i can rent that comes directly from the campus to pick me up at BWI airport? im willing to pay more than $50.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, no, Hopkins doesn't run any bus or other form of transportation directly from BWI to the campus. If you take the MARC train to Penn Station, you can get on the Hopkins shuttle from there which will take you to campus. Otherwise, I'd recommend the SuperShuttle, unless you have tons of luggage. Cabs would be the most expensive, but still cost less than $50, most likely.</p>

<p>Don't be a wuss, the cabbies won't hurt you.</p>

<p>Just make sure the cabbies don't give you an unexpected tour of the city lol... it happens. (Know how much the ride is before you get into the cab, ask him if you have to and ask someone before hand)</p>

<p>There is no fixed rate going from BWI to Hopkins. However, expect the fare to be somewhere around $35. Occasionally, you'll get the fast taxi driver, though.</p>

<p>you can take the marc</p>