Pitt Nursing

<p>How closely do they look at subscores on ACTs? My DD got a 29 composite (first time) and did well in everything except the science. She said the science part was nothing like the practice tests at all!</p>

<p>I can’t answer your question, but I can attest to the fact that the science section is not at all like the practice tests and is in fact much harder!</p>

<p>Any ideas as better prepare for it the second time around?</p>

<p>Get her a Barron’s book. The stuff they have is closer to the real thing. Maybe take a prep class. I only took the test once due to illness…but had I been able to give it another shot, I would have.</p>

<p>good luck with Pitt. I got a 29 composite ACT too and my science score was a 30 which I believe was top 5% and I did not get into Pitt.</p>

<p>My daughter had her nursing PittStart program this morning. We were told that the average SAT (M/CR) of this years freshmen was 1275. 1000 applicants, 200 accepted, 122 enrolled.</p>

<p>To Hardworker: Would you mind sharing the rest of your stats? What was your GPA and your class rank?</p>

<p>My DD is yet to take the SATs and ACTs for a second time (will do that in June). However, she has an unweighted GPA of 4.0, a weighted GPA of 4.46, and is ranked #1 in her class out of 250.</p>

<p>I hope you weren’t too disappointed. Have you decided where you will go instead?</p>