Placed on Waitlist and Thinking about Retaking SAT/ACT

I got waitlisted at UCLA for Human Biology and Society B.S. and my alternate major is Bioengineering. I am going to accept my place on the waitlist and am wondering if retaking the ACT or maybe even the SAT would be a wise move to increase my chances of getting off the waitlist.

UW GPA: 3.88
W GPA: 4.29
ACT: E 34 M 34 R 29 S 33 W 10, I got a 31 on the reading section the first time and was scoring better on the reading section on practice tests from the red book
SAT: R 620 M 700 W 770, highest math was 710

There’s no point in taking it again. They’re not going to look at any new scores.

@stressed4lyfe Thanks for the input!

My advice is just to relax and hope for the best. The decision is no longer in our hands, so don’t stress to much. Juct make sure those 7000 characters are kick-ass :slight_smile: