Placement exams?

<p>I am a prospective freshmen for the class of 2012 and I was curious how placement exams are at UA. I am a prospective history major and am not a math person so I am worried about how the math placement exams are. My averages for my first 3 high school math classes are Algebra 1 A- Geometry B+ and Algebra 2 A- so I was wondering about how to place into math 110 or 112? Thanks!</p>

<p>Not everyone has to take a math placement test. If you passed high school Calculus and have a certain math ACT or SAT score, then you don’t have to take the placement exam.</p>

<p>If you have to take the placement test, you’ll take it next summer at Bama Bound. </p>

<p>Your Algebra and Geometry grades won’t matter.</p>

<p>Since history majors aren’t required to take Calculus I, there are other math classes you can take to fulfill the “math requirement.”</p>

<p>These are classes that are below Cal I that fulfill the Core Req’t.</p>

<p>MATH 110 Finite Mathematics MA
MATH 112 Precalculus Algebra MA
MATH 113 Precalculus Trigonometry MA
MATH 115 Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry MA
MATH 121 Calculus and Applications MA</p>

<p>Well I was curious how difficult it was, in regards to how I did. I will be completing statistics this year. I am going to try and get my ACT math to 29, but I’m not sure about to do if I can’t.</p>

<p>I think you need the ACT 29 and Calculus…not just the ACT 29.</p>

<p>Just an additional note about math testing – you are permitted to take the math placement test from home up to two weeks prior to Bama Bound. I would highly recommend this option. That way you’ve either finished your placement testing prior to Bama Bound and get to relax while everyone else is taking their math test at Bama Bound or you get a second shot at improving your score during Bama Bound if you aren’t happy with the results of your placement testing.</p>

<p>@M2CK yeah I just saw that, makes me sad :(</p>

<p>@Paying4college that makes a lot of sense I think I will do that if I go here. How hard is it to place into math 110?</p>

<p>tcwest 2012 – if you end up with a 29 in Math (realistically probably even above a 25) it shouldn’t be a problem at all. The courses below Math 110 are all high school level math. Even Math 112/113 are just pre-calculus and trig.</p>

<p>I currently have a 24 in math but I expect it to come up. So if I bring it up and since I did well in HS math I should place into math 110 or higher?</p>

<p>tcwest: You can take Alabama’s practice math assessment here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; The username and password are both “practice”-- without quotes. It was very accurate for my daughter – yielding exactly the same placement as her actual placement test.</p>

<p>According to the ACT organization an ACT math score of 22 indicates readiness for college algebra (which is what most high schools call pre-calculus) – so with a 24 you should be ready for Math 110 assuming that you remember your math. It never hurts to practice, however.</p>

<p>Thanks a ton! I will probably take some of those to keep my math skills up. On an unrelated question, do you know if the OOS merit scholarships are guaranteed?</p>

<p>The OOS merit scholarships are guaranteed provided you meet the requirements and keep at least a 3.0 GPA at UA.</p>

<p>All right, so as long as you have the stats, you get the money?</p>



<p>That is correct.</p>

<p>I had a 30 on my ACT math and 640 SAT math but had to take the placement test. placed into math 112, not a math or science major so i’m very happy with the result. I think it’s the equivalent of algebra 2? correct me if I’m wrong please</p>

<p>MATH 110 Finite Mathematics. 3 hours.
Prerequisites: Placement and two units of college-preparatory mathematics; if a student has previously been placed in MATH 100, a grade of “C-” or higher in MATH 100 is required.</p>

<p>Sets and counting, permutations and combinations, basic probability, conditional probability, matrices and their application to Markov chains, and a brief introduction to statistics. Grades are reported as “A,” “B,” “C,” or “NC” (No credit).</p>

<p>MATH 112 Precalculus Algebra. 3 hours.
Prerequisites: Placement and three units of college-preparatory mathematics; if a student has previously been placed in MATH 100, a grade of “C-” or higher in MATH 100 is required.</p>

<p>A higher-level course emphasizing functions including polynomial functions, rational functions, and the exponential and logarithmic functions. Graphs of these functions are stressed. The course also includes work on equations, inequalities, systems of equations, the binomial theorem, and the complex and rational roots of polynomials. Applications are stressed. Grades are reported as “A,” “B,” “C,” or “NC” (No credit).</p>

<p>MATH 113 Precalculus Trigonometry. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: MATH 112.</p>

<p>Continuation of MATH 112. The course includes study of trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, and trigonometric equations. Complex numbers, De Moivre’s Theorem, polar coordinates, vectors, and other topics in algebra are also addressed, including conic sections, sequences, and series. Grades are reported as “A,” “B,” “C,” or “NC” (No credit).</p>

<p>MATH 115 Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Placement and a strong background in college-preparatory mathematics, including one-half unit in trigonometry.</p>

<p>Properties and graphs of exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions are emphasized. Also includes trigonometric identities, polynomial and rational functions, inequalities, systems of equations, vectors, and polar coordinates. Grades are reported as “A,” “B,” “C,” or “NC” (No credit).</p>

<p>Degree credit will not be granted for both MATH 115 and MATH 112 or MATH 113.</p>

<p>atomicapple – Math 110 is Intermediate Algebra – which probably is a more direct correlation to Algebra II. Math 112 is called “Precalculus Algebra” – my daughter has looked at the syllabus and says that the material in Math 112 was covered in Algebra II and the first half of Precalculus at her school. (The second half of Precalc at her school is Trig, which is Math 113 at Alabama).</p>