Planning on transferring in Spring 2014

<p>So I was offered PSA for Fall 2013 and I don't really wanna spend a whole year from A&M. I've decided to attend Blinn during the two summer terms and the fall semester and transferring to A&M in the Spring.</p>

<p>As A&M needs 24 credits in order to transfer, should all 24 credits be done during the summer terms? A guy I spoke to at Blinn today told me that I could for example, get 12 credits during the summer and 12 during the fall to total 24. But the spring apps close before the fall semester finishes. Does A&M take credits earned after applications are submitted? Do I need to get all the credits before I submit the application? I'm confused...</p>

<p>All 24 have to be completed for the application to be accepted by the individual college. And depending on the department you have to follow the Degree Track for transfer. For fall applications they will sometimes review you again after spring grades but not for the spring application due to time constraints with the holidays. A year at Blinn isn’t the end of the world if you really want to bet in to A&M. The vast majority of the students there are looking to transfer one way or another.</p>

<p>I see. However if I can get all 24 with summer plus AP credits, it’s fine then right?</p>

<p>That would work. Just your Fall 2013 grades would not be in play for the Degree Track. Just make sure you can get the 24 credits that coincide with the track from your AP and summer classes.</p>

<p>My D is still in review and we are thinking she might be transferring in. She will graduate with 18 hrs (2 his, 2 eng, govt and Econ). If she goes to community college this summer and gets 6 more hours can she apply for transfer for Spring 2014? She will most likely go to OSU in the fall if she doesn’t get accepted to A&M.</p>

<p>I got PSA so I’ll be going to the University of Houston this fall. I’m graduating high school with 62 credit hours (Associate’s degree in Computer Science) and I’m wondering if I can transfer for Spring 2014. Does anyone know if credit earned during high school will count towards the transfer credits? Thanks</p>

<p>My suggestion would be to email the advisor of the department you are interested in as well as look at their website to determine what is required. The 24 credits at a 2.5 gpa is baseline overall. I’ve spoken and emailed a couple of advisors and they were more than welcome to lay out exactly what classes they were looking for. Just to give you an idea, I have 57 transferable hrs, but I’m missing one math that will put me in the spring review after May when it is complete. So out of the 24 on the Degree Track I have 25, but not that math. The rest will transfer but its not really looked at for the admissions process.</p>

<p>I have heard that AP test hours will not count toward the required 24 hours because they are not “graded”. I could be wrong but I would double check.</p>

<p>I couldn’t find anything on the website saying either way on the AP credits… More reason to contact the advisor.</p>

<p>I know for a fact that AP credits don’t count as transfer hours. and you can only take one class per blinn summer session and there are two. there ate winter nd may minimesters too where you can take one class</p>

<p>Wow, AP credits don’t count? And we can only take one class at Blinn during each summer term? That makes it difficult to get 24 hours total during the summer session then…</p>

<p>Does anyone know if dual credit courses count toward the 24 hrs needed to transfer?

<p>You could look into taking online classes at other community colleges. May not be ideal, but it is a solution. Also, dual credit should count towards the 24 needed hours to transfer.</p>

<p>I have online classes that transfer. I recommend double checking with the transfer course matrix TAMU has on their website to ensure you take course that are directly transfered to a course at A&M. Some of them transfer but only as an elective of some sorts. I took Engl I and Biol I w/ Lab online and they directly transfer over.</p>

<p>Wait, so will I be able to apply for Spring 2014 with my 62 hours earned during high school? I thought I read somewhere that the 24 hours need to be completed after high school graduation… I’m not sure though. I really hope it’s not true. I really want to transfer in the spring.</p>