Plastic Surgery

<p>Ahhh, the greatest example I can think of for that is in Legally Blonde where Elle Woods turns down something from the on sale rack and tehn proceeds to buy something equally guady and expensive. And then, she proceeds to get dumped. I know that was supposed to be sad, but I just laughed. But hey, the whole point of earning money is to spend it right?</p>

But hey, the whole point of earning money is to spend it right?

of course, and what kind of selfish teenager would i be if i didn't take advantage of the money my parents give me.</p>

<p>i dont think asian girls should get eyelid surgery! they're pretty the way they are!</p>

<p>Yeah, I can't blame all the girls for spending money. Heck, I'm spending 50 bucks for a little piece of plastic known as a computer game. I'm ogling at the ferraris, the souped up cars and everything that looks cool and just drreaming of gettign enough money to get a mclaren F1. If only my parents gave me that much money...well, I spend more than enoguh on food every month. :)</p>

<p>hotpiece, meestasi: Yeah, we all have our little guilty pleasures. I just think $400 sounds a little over the top for sunglasses...</p>

<p>Then again, I just purchased a $200 pair of shoes, so I guess I shouldn't be talking either. (But they are REALLY CUTE $200 shoes. @_@;)</p>

<p>ooh, a mclaren. those are really fly cars. i would do just about anything to ride in one...</p>

<p>I buy my sunglasses at Target because I either lose them or break them about 4 times per year.</p>

<p>Haha, me too. I have one (1) pair of nice, "real" sunglasses (they cost maybe $50), and the rest come from the store or are knockoffs from Chinatown.</p>

<p>If any of you live near San Francisco, you should go shopping in Chinatown. They have lots of nice knockoffs of fancy brands at cheaaap prices!</p>

<p>you get glasses 4 times a year, do you live in cali or something. i can only wear sunglasses from about april until early october if i'm lucky.</p>

<p>hotpiece, in CA you can wear sunglasses during December. it's alwaays sunny.</p>

<p>I wear a hat...A red Polo hat that I've had for 5 years now.</p>

<p>I just spent 350 dollars on Gucci sunglasses.</p>

<p>i never got what was wrong with being flat chested. most of them look fine honestly...</p>

i never got what was wrong with being flat chested. most of them look fine honestly...


10 char</p>

<p>actually, i read somewhere that asian girls have part of their calves(?) removed for slimmer legs. now, when worse comes to worst, i would consider that... but the thought of not being able to walk for weeks sucks.</p>

<p>oooh, and i watched this pornstar guy who had butt implants cause he talks about having 'none'. when i saw the result, it was like he had 2 big and DEEP salad bowls stuck on his rear. it does... not look good.</p>

<p>if i was to get a plastic surgery it would be getting rid of the fat (i was good looking before i gained the fat :D), but i know the risks+more, so i'm NEVER gonna do it.
my cousin had her eyes and nose done, and we think it's just ridiculous. she was cutsie looking, but after it it looks like someone pushed in a foreigner's eyes and nose into her face.</p>

<p>Ok... my opinion on plastic surgery is that if you have something"fixed" in high school or college just for the sake of "beauty" you will regret it in a few years. Also plastic surgery involves a lot of risk, so if that girl said "mom I really want plastic surgery" then one has to stop and think.. do you really want it or is there another problem at the root of it that you tink plastic surgery will fix.
Also, Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing/ Ferris Bueller's Day Off was quoted as saying on Channel 5 (UK) that "..having plastic surgery to her nose was the worst mistake she had ever made. This was because she was no longer recognizable as the girl from the film "Dirty Dancing", just somebody who looked a bit like her."</p>

<p>Just some food for thought</p>

<p>hm. if you are a celebrity and you got famous, i don't think it will be wise to get a plastic surgery...i mean, you got the fans already, right?</p>

<p>I'd never get elective plastic surgery. Over time I've learned to be happy with myself. I still hate my nose from time to time, but I'd never surgically alter it. I'm also terrified of needles, pain and surgery. I wouldn't put myself through serious surgery for something like beauty: it's just not worth it to me. </p>

<p>Although there is a difference between elective plastic surgery and the reconstructive kind. When I was little I cut my face open on a metal part of an easel, from my lip up to my ear. Thankfully, my parents opted for plastic surgery, otherwise I'd have a huge scar on my face. Now I can't even tell which side its on.</p>

actually, i read somewhere that asian girls have part of their calves(?) removed for slimmer legs. now, when worse comes to worst, i would consider that... but the thought of not being able to walk for weeks sucks.


<p>I heard about that too. And it's actually muscle that gets cut away, so their walking problems are permanent, and will undoubtedly haunt them in their elderly years.</p>