<p>Why people want to do plastic surgery? Does it help oneself feel better or just give more reasons to look down on ones features and look for a way to improve it. </p>
<p>Beauty is beholder of the eye. Why people spend thousands of dollars, princess time and risk of pain for plastic surgery just because to look "different"</p>
<p>While we'd like to think that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the truth is we live in a very superficial society. If you're perceived as ugly by people, then people don't like to associate themselves with you, unless you're rich or talented in which people will do anything to associate themselves with you. That just goes to show you our superficiality.</p>
<p>my sisters getting her nose done but its just cuz she hates it. other people didnt influence her decision. she has a slightly deviated septum too...so it should help her breathe better. its not really a huge thing like the plastic surgeries on tv are but still...</p>
<p>People who values you values you no matter how the way you look, the way you dressÂ…they always think positive of you. Like your friends and family, they are there for you as much as you there for them, right.
So, the internal beauty is more important than the external beauty.</p>
<p>Hehe, a bit confusing , but , I am right, right?</p>
<p>"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind."
~Dr. Seuss</p>
<p>True words... but with a bit of a flaw. You can't simply assume people don't matter, because in the real world, everyone can have an important role in your life. If your looks are.... say hideous, it would definately hinder you. Now I am not advocating the idea of giong out and getting plastic surgery, but I do see why it can be beneficial to those that do it. If you apply for a job at say.. the supermarket, and you are hideous looking, you'll probably get placed in the back room as oppose to the attractive person. Our society is a very superficial place, and looks are almost as important as being able to talk. </p>
<p>I would never get plastic surgery, but for those that do... to each man their own.</p>
<p>I see absolutely nothing wrong with reconstructive plastic surgery. Not all plastic surgery is done for superficial reaons, there are some important ones. </p>
<p>I had plastic surgery when I was li ke 4 years old- the whole left side of my face had been slit open. I think not wanting a huge Frankenstein style scar on your face is a pretty good reason.</p>
<p>I don't care about superficial people can be. No one is "ugly" enough to be hated by everyone, unless their actions/personality makes them seem that way. If you truly love someone, they will not look ugly to you. In the end, is it true that what's on the inside matters more. </p>
<p>You won't get accepted into your dream college based on how "beautiful" you are for example. </p>
<p>I agree with Blossomsnow.</p>
<p>Try getting some self-esteem, self-confidence... nice hair/make-up/teeth never hurts anyone either ;).</p>
I see absolutely nothing wrong with reconstructive plastic surgery.
<p>because we live in a superficial society whether or not we like to admit it....its like why do people always go on diets? i know one aspect is health but like when you see normal weighin people starving themselves it is indeed because they want to look better</p>
<p>i heard that if you grow old you won't grow old as "beautifully" as you may have looked like right after the surgery. Just imagine a wrinkled lady with a perfectly sharp and smooth nose! Ew.</p>
<p>If I hated something about myself I wouldn't have a problem with getting it done. Luckily I don't, but it's all about self-esteem, and anything that will boost someone with low confidence is worth it in the long run. It's not just a physical change for some people but also an emotional one.</p>
<p>Collagen lips + DDs + rhinoplasty + lipo + tummy tuck = recipe for disaster, though, I must say.</p>
<p>Simply, to look better. They do look better. Even if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I feel media and society has changed all that to Beauty is in the eye of the media now =/ saaad. but true.</p>