Please chance for ACU and TCU Will Chance Back.

Rank: 52/452 Top 12%
GPA Unweighted 3.4
GPA Weighted 4.25
SAT: 1610
Activities: National Honor Society for two years, Band for 3 years, Theatre member/Stage Manager, International Thespian Member Troupe Historian, National Art Honor Society Publicist, German Club Officer
Awards: National Qualifier for Stage Management at Texas State Thespian Convention, State Alternate for UIL One-Act Play, Outstanding Crew Award at Regional Competition.
AP World History
AP English III
AP English IV
Over 30 Hours of Community Service
My admissions essay was great and I have an outstanding teacher recommendation letter for TCU
I did submit the Freedom of Expressions Page for TCU</p>



<p>Couple questions @FutureFrog19:</p>

<p>In state or out of state?
Did you interview? Visit?
Breakdown of your SAT section scores:
Do you happen to also have an ACT score?
Intended major?
When did you apply? Did you apply ED?
Did you take AP tests? Results?
What school is ACU?
Can your family afford TCU without aid? </p>

<p>Both in state.
I did not interview. I have visited TCU twice but not ACU
Reading: 490
Math: 560
Writing: 560
Intended Major: Visual Art Studies/Art Education
Both Applied Mid- December. No ED
World History AP test: 2
English Language and Composition: 2
ACU is Abilene Christian University
Prefer not to answer last question</p>


<p>OK @FutureFrog19 thanks for the added info. I wouldn’t answer the last question either. </p>

<p>Disclaimer - I am nobody - just a parent - and I don’t have students that have applied to TCU. One that might in the future. My belief is that TCU is on the rise and they are getting more competitive. </p>

<p>You have a few strikes against you IMO - female, in state, borderline SAT score. </p>

<p>You have a great set of ECs. I am confused by the theater heavy ECs in high school - no mention of Art - with an intended major in Visual Arts. </p>

<p>I know at another in state school, that kids get into the Fine Arts school with less than the average standardized test scores. They make up for it with outstanding auditions in music, theater or an arts portfolios. </p>

<p>Does TCU / ACU require an Arts portfolio for your intended major - have you sent your work in? </p>

<p>On the other hand - if fine arts - Visual and or Theater is an area of need for TCU, one or both of these could help sway your application to a yes - if you have made these skills and interests clear in your application. </p>
