<p>I'm worried because I'm from a small school and I've heard that it can be held against me!</p>
<p>Taiwanese American
First Generation</p>
<p>Unweighted GPA - 92.68
Rank 8/202 (Top 4%)
SAT (superscore): Writing=600 Crit.Reading=670 Math= 770 Total=2040 (Retaking Oct 9)
ACT: English=31 Math=36 Reading=32 Science=32 Eng+Writ=28 (Essay 7) Composite=33
SAT II: 750 Chemistry, 730 US History, 720 Biology, 660 Math 1, 650 World History (I honestly don't know what happened to me for the last 2 tests here...)</p>
<p>AP Courses: Currently taking - AP Literature, AP Statistics, AP Government, AP Physics B
Taken- AP Calculus AB (5), AP Biology (5), AP Chemistry (4), AP Language (4), AP US History (4), AP European History (3)</p>
<p>I've taken every AP class my school has to offer except for Music Comp. and Psychology. I skipped Pre-Calculus to take AP Calc AB 1 year early</p>
<p>Extracurriculars: Varsity Tennis, Learning + Performing Piano for 12 years, Tutor, Teach piano</p>
<p>Clubs: President of the National Honor Society, President of the Ecology club, Executive Officer of Tri-M Music Honor Society.</p>
<p>Prospective Colleges for Pre-med or engineering : Cornell (ED), Brown, Johns Hopkins, Lehigh</p>
<p>small school will not be held against you. i would say theyre reaches, but not out of the question by any means. especially if the SAT score goes up.</p>
<p>33 on ACT is roughly about 2190:</p>
<p>Cornell ED: Reach (Maybe Low Reach if you score higher on the SAT)
Brown: Reach
Johns Hopkins: Reach/Low Reach</p>
<p>You have a great GPA, Rank, and SATIIs. However your ECs are relatively weak and your SAT scores are very “average” for schools like Cornell and Brown. Do you have a specific interest which you are passionate about? Overall you are a good applicant for all the schools on your list. If you increase your SAT score (are you sending both ACT and SAT?) and write good essays, I can see you in at least one of the schools you listed.</p>
<p>Best of luck!</p>
<p>Chance me back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1004303-chance-me-chocolate-chip-cookie.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1004303-chance-me-chocolate-chip-cookie.html</a></p>
<p>I agree with @ballpointpen.</p>
<p>You have a pretty good gpa(converted to 4.0 scale would be 3.7072), your rank is awesome, you have really good SATII’s! Your ecs and SAT score a bit average compared to other competitive applicants(mine score is bad too… don’t worry). I suggest raising your score this october and writing really good essays and you’ll be as competitive as others. Cornell you might have a better chance with ED… but raise that score. Johns Hopkins is a low reach and Brown would be a mid reach. I suggest you get some more backups too. Don’t put all your hopes in just a few schools! Teacher recommendations are beneficial too! Good luck and chance me back? (:</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1006168-chance-me-please.html#post1065663378[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1006168-chance-me-please.html#post1065663378</a></p>
<p>Thanks for the input! I plan to raise my SAT score to atleast 2200 on Oct 9. I’ve been studying day and night. </p>
I’m passionate about working with people who need help such as at a hospital volunteering and such. However, my parents own a small business and work 10+ hours a day which makes it impossible for me to find somewhere to volunteer at. To make up for this, I’ve tried to fill up my schedule with as many activities I can. All my community service and such go through the Ecology Club and National Honor Society with which I have well over 120 hours worth. On the side, I do have atleast 40 hours working for an Adopt-A-Highway program for my town. So far I plan on sending my SAT score in as well as my ACT. </p>
I also have NYU, Stony Brook U (Honors), RPI, Carnegie Mellon, UCLA, and UC Berkeley in consideration but I’m more interested about these few. I’ve also been working on my essay but I’m not very confident in it because of my writing skills and my topic. I want to emphasize my altruism. With all the illnesses that my family and friends have been through and all the selfish and greedy doctors I’ve seen, I realized that studying medicine is my true desire especially after meeting my mother’s current physician who has taught me a lot.</p>