<p>Asian Male</p>
<p>GPA: 4.00/4.00 UW
SAT: 2250; ACT: 34 (expecting 35 from October scores hopefully)
SAT II: Math 2 800; Chem & Physics (Taking in November, most likely 700+)</p>
<p>AP classes taken/taking (Total: 9) : Calc BC, Comp Sci, English Lang, Phys C, Stats, English Lit, French, Comp. Gov, Chemistry.</p>
<p>AP Scores:
Calc BC: 5
English Lang: 4
Comp Sci: 4
Physics C Mech: 4
Physics C E&M: 3 (idk if I should submit that)</p>
<p>Essays and Recs: Probably pretty solid, but nothing extraordinary.</p>
<p>Notable ECs:
Computer Science Internship and a UCLA
President of a Volunteer Organization (4 Years)
Vice President & Captain of Destination Imagination Team (3 Years) - several awards won, top 7 in state.
Speech and Debate Varsity Member (3 Years) - awards won
High School Soccer Team (2 Years)
Officer of Engineering Team (2 Years) - awards won, 1st Place Southern CA.
Tutor Middle School Students (4 Years)</p>
<p>National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist.
National Honor Society</p>
<p>Thanks a lot guys.</p>
<p>Your scores are all really good, and that shouldn’t be a problem. You’re obviously a hard worker or extremely intelligent from your AP scores. Your extra-curriculars are pretty good, but nothing special. Your course rigor seems pretty strong as well. MIT, CalTech, Stanford are extremely hard to predict if you’ll get in, but you’re definitely a competitor. Berkeley, Colombia and Cornell you’re a very strong competitor at and should get into at least one of them. Georgia Tech ad Urbana are schools you should definitely be accepted to. Good luck!</p>
<p>Chance me?<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1702688-chance-me-please.html#latest”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1702688-chance-me-please.html#latest</a></p>
<p>Please Chance me guys! I will chance back right away!!</p>
<p>The only schools where I think you have an average to good chance would be MIT, Standford, Caltech, Columbia, Cornell and maybe UCLA but the others I think you have a great chance! I can see you getting into all of these schools with your GPA, Scores, and ECs. Best luck :)! Btw chance me! </p>
<p>Aight, thanks a lot man! Link me to your thread.</p>
<p>Click on the FSU thread in the middle of the list! In there :)</p>
<p>Bump! Hey guys, any thoughts? I will chance back! I really appreciate it.</p>
<p>I am in California. Thanks, though!</p>
<p>MIT – reach
UCB – match to high match
UCLA – high match
CalTech – reach
Stanford – reach
Cornell – low reach
Columbia – low reach
UIUC – in for sure
Gtech – in for sure</p>
<p>You should probably submit your ACTs over the SATs. National Merit Semifinalist is amazing, especially coming from a smart state like CA. Perfect GPA is great, but your AP scores are left to be desired. I’m not quite sure if it’s possible to choose which AP scores you submit so that may be something to consider. Your ECs are also pretty awesome, but some of the colleges may wonder where you found time to eat and sleep. Be sure not to exaggerate how much time you spent on each of them.</p>
<p>Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, my APs didn’t go as well as I had hoped. My ECs felt rather lackluster compared to those of most applicants. </p>
<p>Berkeley selectivity depends on whether you apply to EECS in the College of Engineering, or to the College of Letters and Science (where you can later declare the L&S CS major after getting a 3.0 in the prerequisite courses). EECS is generally considered more selective.</p>
<p>UCLA has CS in its School of Engineering and Applied Science, which is generally considered more selective than its College of Letters and Science.</p>
<p>Yes, at Berk, I am applying to Letters and Science.
At UCLA, School of Engineering and Applied Science would be me first choice, while Letters and Science would be my alternate. </p>
<p>Bump!! Please chance! Will chance back</p>
<p>MIT - Waitlisted/Rejected
UCB - Accepted
UCLA - Accepted/Waitlisted
CalTech - Waitlisted
Stanford - Waitlisted/Rejected
Cornell - Accepted/Waitlisted
Columbia - Accepted
UIUC - Accepted
Gtech - Accepted</p>
<p>I’d say you have a pretty good chance at all the schools except those that are a complete crapshoot mystery!
<p>UCLA and GTech should not be a problem, and you probably have a pretty good chance at UCB too. Stanford may still be kind of a reach. Those are the only schools im familiar with. </p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1708088-my-chances-at-ucs.html#latest”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1708088-my-chances-at-ucs.html#latest</a></p>