Please Chance me for TCU & Tell me more about the school if you can

Applying: EA

Sex: M

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Race: White

State: Texas

Socioeconomic background: Lower middle class/working class

Other: Gay, Bilingual, and Roman Catholic

SAT (Take 1): 1200

SAT (Take 2): TBD (Was gonna take it again tomorrow, but Hurricane Harvey has forced it to be canceled)

High School: Early College HS with College Curriculum integrated in order to receive an AA with our local community college upon HS graduation.

Letters of Recommendation (Undecided on Finalized ones):

-Government Professor (Tx Gov, Fed Gov, Intro to PolySci, and Mex-Am Politics)

-Old Chemistry Teacher and Student Council Advisor

-Old World History Teacher and MUN Advisor/Mock Trial Coach/Junior Politicians Advisor

-Guidance Counselor

-Community College General Counsel (Yale/Stanford Law Alum)

-Local State Representative (For whom I work for as a Legislative Aide)

Positive Transcript Trend

Rank: 12/93 (13th Percentile) (Subject to Change by Fall) (I am taking an additional college course over ALL of my peers)

Unweighted GPA: 94.67 (Subject to Change by Fall)

Weighted GPA: 102.17 or 4.16 (On a 4.0 Scale) (Subject to Change by Fall)

College GPA: 3.8 (Out of 4.0)

College Credits: 52 (62 by Graduation; I will receive an AA)

-Student Council (4 Years; Representative, Parliamentarian, Treasurer, Freshman Class President, Student Body Vice President, and Student Body President (Going into my 2nd term) (I lead a constitutional convention))

-Model United Nations (4 years; Committee Chair: First ever award recipient; Secretary-General)

-Junior Politicians (3 years; President and Founder: Hosted GOTV events and Candidates’ Forums)

-Mock Trial (4 years; Timekeeper; Witness; Lawyer)

-Texas State House Intern (1 year)

-There are More…

Intended Major(s):

Political Science (International Relations) and International Economics with a Minor in Middle East Studies

Tell me if there needs to be more included and if you all feel I am a good fit for TCU and if it is a good fit for me. I am really curious about TCU’s programs and internship opportunities. Thank you!


You have a good resume. Just try to do some practice tests and take the SAT again. There are free practice tests on the Collegeboard website. Good Luck!