Please Chance me for the engineering major!!

Hello, I am an international student who is currently a senior in HS.
Here are my stats:
COMP: 2010/ CR: 600 Math: 710 Writing: 700(Writing 10) – Planning to retake it this Nov(Hoping to get over 2080)

Freshman- 88% in Canadian grading system. It is approximately 3.75 in American System.
Soph- 3.15 uw/w
Junior 4.0 uw/ 4.15 w
Senior: assuming to get all A’s except Ap Chem…
No SAT2 or AP… (planning to take the Math2c this December)
Soccer JV, Basketball Soph, Tennis Varsity a year,
Math team Varsity, Math Club, French Club, international club(founder), ping pong club, journalism club
National French Exam awards. State French Quiz ball winner,
State Math Competition 3rd place as a team and 7th on the individual. Winning 1st price for several regional competitions.

Habitat for Humanity
volunteered 80 hours at a clinic during summer vacation

So … at this point, do you guys think I have a chance to get in to Purdue?
According to this year’s freshman profile, it seems I have a decent chance to get in… ,but I know engineering department’s admission is way more competitive than that of other majors.

As I said, I am thinking of taking the SAT subject test this December. Do you guys think it is better to wait until getting a score and apply to Purdue? or is it better to just apply before Nov 1st?

Sorry, I have one more question… my common app essay is basically about club experience and sympathy which are not related to the engineering. In this respect, do you think I have to change my Common App essay in order to maximize my chance?

Thank you!

Definitely apply by November 1 if you can. They are doing a true rolling admissions this year and will start issuing decisions daily starting October 23. Purdue does not required SAT IIs so no point in waiting for that. As I recall there are a couple of other short answer questions about your interest in your major. Your CA essay doesn’t have to be about your intended major. I would assume many people write about something else.

Thank you for the reply!
I will definitely apply by November 1st!~
Do you think I have a decent chance to get in tho??

I don’t 'do" chances–unlike some of the other people who post, I have no inside info or experience that would give me anything other than an opinion based off averages on the website, which everybody can just look up themselves. I honestly don’t know whether being international makes much of a difference but from what I understand, in general, admissions at Purdue are a little more wide open than some of the other top schools–but it’s pretty hard once you are there. Good luck!

thank you so much !