Please Chance me for UC's (Especially UCB and UCLA)

I’m an incoming senior who will be applying to UC’s this fall

I am an instate applicant
Intended Major: Chemical Engineering or EECS
SAT: 1440 (800 Math 660 English) Retaking it
SAT II: 800 Math, 800 Chem, (Taking Physics this August and expecting an 800, I may also take literature for the lolz)
AP: AP Chem (4), AP Chinese (Self Studied 3 oops), AP Physics 1 (Self studied 4), AP Stats (5)
Senior Course Load: AP Physics C Mech and E/M, AP Calc BC, AP Micro/Macro, AP Psychology, and English 12 Advanced

Plan on self studying AP Comp Sci, Physics 2, and maybe Biology

Unweighted GPA: 3.6 (Had a really bad freshman year, we talking really bad but super mega upward trend)
Weighted GPA: 3.96
UC GPA Capped: 3.95
ELC?: Well based off of the calculator on the uc website, YES!
Awards?: Maybe AP Scholar Distinction

I play chess
I play tennis
I tutor math
I play badminton (school team)
I do xc (school team)
I lift weights
I run
I program (not proficient just took the class)
I play the trumpet

I worked at a flea market for 10 hours and made a few bucks
I volunteered at a library and got 10+ hours
I tutor kids who have trouble with math

Some questions:

  1. Since I don’t have anything in my EC’s that relate to my intended major, will this be bad?
  2. Do I need more EC’s?
  3. Does self studying APs look good?
  4. Since GPA is usually only focused on the High School itself and SAT in standardized, will my SAT/SATII carry me through the application?
  5. I also heard that you are compared to those in your school not those in other schools, is this right?

Definitely a high reach for UCB and UCLA. Chemical Engineering and EECS are very impacted majors especially at top-tier UCs. Definitely retake the SAT and try aiming for 1530+. UCs fortunately do not count freshman year grades, so you may not have to worry about that on your GPA. The upward trend is a good sign, though.

From the info you’ve given about your ECs I still don’t know much about you; how long have you participated in each? Are you involved in leadership or received recognition in any of them? Cal and UCLA looks at applications more holistically than other UCs do, so they want to see more depth/dedication than breadth. You should also volunteer/work for more hours if you have time.

To answer your questions:

  1. I don’t want to say “bad” to sound degrading, but you should definitely participate in something that shows your interest in engineering or computer science. Learning to program isn’t a bad start.
  2. Dedicate more time into your ECs, don’t simply join more to impress colleges.
  3. I guess so, but I don’t know if UCs ask you to clarify self-studying courses. But if they do it would probably look good especially for AP Physics.
  4. Although SAT II scores are usually required, your SAT scores are more important. If you have a really high SAT score it will raise your chances a lot. So yes, your standardized test scores will carry you to an extent
  5. I’m not entirely sure about this question either, sorry

Competitive test scores, GPA low for UCLA/UCB which are ultra competitive for any Engineering. Upward trend in your GPA will help, but you are targeting the toughest admit UC’s. Apply widely and make sure you have some solid Safety and Match schools.

Not specific for majors, but the more competitive the major the lower your chances:::

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

  • Berkeley

  • Very important: Academic GPA, Application essay, Rigor of secondary school record, Standardized test scores
  • Important: Extracurricular activities, Volunteer work, Work experience
  • Considered: Character/personal qualities, First generation college student, State residency
  • Note: Thorough review of academic performance; likely contribution to intellectual and cultural vitality of the campus; diversity in personal background and experience; demonstrated qualities in leadership, motivation, concern for others and community; non-academic achievement in the performing arts, athletics or employment; demonstrated interest in major.
  • LOR's by invitation only as of 2017
  • Los Angeles
  •   Very important: Academic GPA, Application essay, Rigor of secondary school record, Standardized test scores
  •   Important: Character/personal qualities, Extracurricular activities, Talent/ability, Volunteer work, Work experience
  •   Considered: First generation college student, Geographical residence
  •   Note: GPA, test scores, course work, number of and performance in honors and AP courses most important. Essay considered. Strong senior program important. Extracurricular activities, honors and awards also reviewed.

Thanks guys! I’ll find time to brush off some of my EC’s :)))