please chance me, out of state!!

I’m from a pretty competitive private school in Texas, what do y’all think my chances are?
weighted gpa: 3.62
unweighted: 3.23
act: 30
volunteer/service: 40 hours 10th, 150 hours 11th, 100 hours 12th
ec: field hockey for 10th-12th, choir from 6th-12th, nhs
I’m not really in any ap classes but I feel like my essays are my strong point. do y’all think I can get in? Wisco’s my number one so I’m a bit nervous. Any answers would be strongly appreciated!!

What’s your class rank?

Does your school offer AP classes?

Your unweighted GPA looks low.

Is cost a concern?

Ouch- that’s a very low gpa for UW. The unweighted gpa is immaterial- UW does not weight grades and expects you to take the rigorous classes and do well in them. IF your junior year gpa was close to a 4.0 it would show you now are studying and could succeed at UW. Your ACT puts you in the middle 50% of students. It looks ass though you should have spent more time studying instead of volunteering as much. EC hours are no substitute for academics.

it was sophomore year that killed my gpa, but junior year alone I think it was about a 3.86 and almost all A’s (versus first two years of high school). Will this upwards trend look good?
Also cost is not a concern and volunteering didn’t take up a lot of my time (mostly summer) I just thought I would include it.

Yes-upward trend is good, and if you haven’t already submitted your application, you can explain your GPA trend/issue in part of the second essay.

Ditto on the upward trend. Kudos for getting your act together- keep it up.

thanks! I’m on my way to all A’s this semester which would raise my overall gpa to about a 3.43. I’m a little nervous that they will make a decision before I can send my new grades but I guess if I get postponed I would have to do it anyways. Also, if I got postponed would a letter of rec from an alum help? My chemistry teacher went to UW a while back and I think she could write a good letter for me.
Do you guys think with my current gpa and test scores that I have the possibility of getting postponed, and not flat-out denied?
Thanks for the help

Your recent grades count the most. UW will see the huge difference junior year- that plus those recommendations and essays should help a lot. All you can do is continue to learn what you can (which translates into top grades and a good foundation for college). You also need to relax and not obsess about college admissions- enjoy your final year of HS.

btw- thousands of Wisconsin applicants will have teachers who went to UW-Madison. There are thousands (over 300,000 last I heard) of UW alumni all over the country. I would hope your letters are submitted with your application, not an afterthought if things don’t go well. Who you are, not who you know, is the important thing. A teacher who knows you can write a meaningful recommendation.

I already have 2 really good recs (or I hope so, both great writers and know me very well) I’m just thinking ahead. I’ve already been accepted to two places including IU which is my second favorite (after wisconsin) and I would be happy going there as well so I’m trying to not stress too much. Thanks again so much college is a generally stressful time

@kollege50105 you might want to find last year’s thread and see how someone with your current stats from OOS who applied for first notification (i.e. EA) actually fared. Those notices came out for the non-Wisconsin residents on or about the last day of January (2016). Same thread will have the March decisions as well and for that you can use your expected GPA of 3.4 or so. BTW they will most likely ask you to self-report your mid-year grades so be sure to do that promptly when asked.