Please chance me, Thank you!

<p>Hi, I'm a senior in High School right now and UW Madison is my number 1 school.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.812 (unweighted)</p>

<p>ACT: 25</p>

<p>SAT: 1700
1770 (superscored. Does anyone know if Madison superscores?) </p>

<p>Class rank: 36 out of roughly 330 (top 11%)</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Stats
AP English
4th year Spanish
Anatomy and Physiology

<p>Previous years AP/ honors courses:</p>

<p>Freshman year:
Honors Biology- A
Honors English- A
Honors Geometry- B</p>

<p>Sophmore year:
Honors Advanced Algebra- B
Honors Composition- A
AP US History- A</p>

<p>Junior year:
Honors Pre-calc- B+
Honors American Literature- A
AP European History- A</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:</p>

Academic Decathlon
Model United Nations
Varsity Soccer
Math Team
International Club
Ecology Club</p>

<p>I have two very well written recommendation letters and my essays for the UW system's prompts are also very strong. My gpa has remained relatively constant and I haven't gone up or down very much between my freshman and junior year. I've also taken 4 years of every core subject including Spanish.</p>

<p>Thank you very much!!!!</p>

<p>According to the likelihood admission chart (used to be on UW Madison site but since taken off), a combo of a 25 ACT and 3.8-4.0 GPA is associated with a 75% chance of admission. Other stuff you noted should bump your chances even better.</p>

<p>Your ACT/SAT sink your grades. Find a way to get higher test scores. Last year there were just too many applicants with above 3.7 and much higher test scores. I think your chances are below 30% (waiting list). If you score above 1900 or 28 then I would put your chance over 80%. Good luck</p>

<p>I am curious how your assessment is more accurate than a UW Madison table of admissions that indicates likelihood based on GPA and ACT combos?</p>

<p>Statman-get over it. That chart is ancient history as apps have increased by around 8000 and gotten better in quality since that chart came out. Overall accept rate is now close to 50% and the average ACT is 29–up from 27 when they did that chart. It is outdated info. We try to keep up to date here. The 25/75 range is now 27/31 what was average a few years ago is now in the 25th percentile.</p>

<p>OP-you are in the danger zone. 25% or so chance at best. No superscore.
“We consider the highest composite score obtained in a single test administration as your “official” score, although we will look at all scores reported in an effort to get a true sense of your achievement”</p>

<p>I would say chances are pretty good! Your stats are similar to mine when I applied last year (Not waitlisted). Make sure your essays are very well-written! Good luck!</p>

<p>One year old is ancient history? I agree the quality inched up. The doc’t states the middle 50% of ACT to be 26-30 while the CURRENT range is reported to be 27-31. To believe that this slight shift will change the likelihood from 75% to 50% or as someone stated as 30% is plain silly.</p>

<p>Thank you all for the responses! I realize my test scores are bringing me down on the whole, but I am retaking the SAT on November 5th and will hopefully be able to increase my score. Also, I was on the collegeboard website for uw Madison and they stated that the average ACT was a 26-30 and average SAT was a 1730, is this info accurate?</p>

<p>The data in the boxes was not updated for about 4 years. I doubt it was exactly the same for 4 years. During that time acceptance rate went from nearly 70% to 50%. It OUT IF DATE period.</p>

<p>Well with respect to this of date business, a classmate of my D got the acceptance decision from UW-Madison just the other day: 26 ACT, 3.8 GPA, only a couple AP courses. The “outdated” chart would have placed him as a 75% chance of acceptance while this CC board would place him at below 50%. The out of date argument doesn’t hold water.</p>

<p>Higher rejection rates recently are not exclusively to a fundamentally better set of applicant profiles. More people applied is part of the explanation. The inner 50% of the distribution from TWO years ago was 26-30 and now it is 27-31. Nothing has fundamentally changed in terms of what it takes to get into UW Madison. UW Madison is a great school but there is a myth being created here in terms of what it takes to get in.</p>

<p>Thanks again for the responses! So Statman, if a classmate of your D got in with a 26 and a 3.8, it sounds like I should be pretty solid. I’m not saying its guaranteed or anything, but since my stats are very close to his do you think I’ll be in pretty good shape?</p>

<p>The best anyone can do on this board is an honest guess. I can tell you about a couple of my son’s friends who got into ivy league schools with under a 3.3 GPA. Does that mean that if you apply with a 3.6 GPA you will get in?? If you have over a 3.7 GPA in our high school with below average test scores you will get into schools like Michigan and UW. I assume that if you go to a top HS in Wisconsin with a high GPA and UW admissions can compare you to others in the school and you are favorable than the test won’t matter as much.</p>

<p>@squichyhead Don’t get me wrong with my posts, I am not suggesting your situation is guaranteed. I was just reacting to comments that put you at 50/50 or much worse. The UW chart (albeit a couple years old) puts you at 75% range. Let’s for the sake of argument adjust that due to slight improvement in quality of applicants to 70% range. That is better than 50/50 but there is that 30% or so chance of rejection and that is not trivial. The acceptance of my D’s friend is data point consistent with more likely accepted than not. Good luck!</p>

<p>If you believe you are solid with a 26 and a 3.8 you are being misled. You are in the vast middle range where some get in and some do not. If you get a 28 then you can feel solid. A 26 puts you below the 25th percentile with a roughly average+ GPA. Call it 50-50 or 60-40 but it’s not high probability as it might have been when that chart was last updated at least 4 years ago if not longer.</p>