Please chance me

<p>I have a 4.83 GPA out of 5(honors scale), 3.86 out of 4 if you convert it. My ACT is 27. I am taking all AP classes this year. My grades for the first semester senior year are A-,A-,A-,A-,B-, so my GPA is 5.8 out of 6, since our honors scale is out of 6. What are my chances of getting into UW Madison? If I put business as my first choice, and I am not qualified, will they consider me for other majors? Any input is appreciated. Thanks.</p>

<p>Dude, do the research. It doesn’t matter what major you list. There’s virtually no direct admit to a major. You can list anything, and you either get admitted to the University or you don’t. Spend 20 minutes looking at the website.</p>

<p>Your post sounds like you haven’t applied…yet. Deadline is Wednesday.</p>

<p>GPA is fine. Would have looked better if you had applied earlier, then submitted your first semester grades. It would made those AP A’s from first semester stand out more. Sending your transcript now means they get blended in with the other 3 years. Yes, supposedly they look at trends, course rigor, etc. It’s hard to say how thorough when there’s 30,000 apps to look at over a few months. ACT is on the low side of those already admitted.</p>

<p>I’m not in admissions, but you might get some scrutiny for not applying a little earlier. Others will post on CC that anyone who applies before Feb. 1st receives equal consideration, and I believe that’s the intent by UW-M; however, over-worked admissions reps are juggling apps from many who applied earlier, and a large number of deferred candidates, who all have been making a stronger case for admission since being deferred.</p>

<p>I think you have a shot, but it will probably be closer than if you had applied before Nov. 1st, or even around the holidays. </p>

<p>I wish you the best!</p>

<p>I already applied in December. Thanks for your input.</p>

<p>No problem with application timing as long as you meet the deadline with all materials submitted. That’s one reason so many are frustrated by delays in getting a decision- UW is waiting to see what the “last minute” candidates are like. Several years ago son finally did his UW app in mid January and heard in 2 or 3 weeks (better stats than OP)- the red “yes” on the envelope was how parents found out, who knows what went on in the cyber world, ie if son knew sooner. Rolling admissions is letting students know the decision as it is made, nothing about earlier apps having a better chance.</p>