One more chance

<p>Havn't posted on here in a while but wanted some opinions now that im a senior and about to apply. My GPA is still sitting a 3.2 and ACT is a 24. This year I am taking 5 classes in my first semester and 3 of them are at Saint Cloud State University in Minnesota. I have a 4.0 GPA at SCSU for these 3 classes. I am waiting for my official first semester transcript to come out before I hand in my application to UW-Madison. If my year goes as planned I will end my senior year with 16-19 credits (5-6 college classes) Will this possibly be a nice upside for me? I know my chances are not very good as it is but I am really commited to try my best and get accepted. Do you think if I can up my ACT score ill have some kind of a chance?</p>

<p>Nothing we say here will change your stats/chances. Do repeat the ACT, can only help if it's better. Go ahead and apply, you can't get in unless you do and the app fee isn't terrible.</p>