Please chance me!

Hey guys! If anyone could chance me for Wisconsin, I would be super grateful!

Here’s my info:
White, female, from MD

I go to an extremely rigorous, competetive high school. My GPA wasn’t as great freshman and sophomore year since I transferred from a much less academically challenging middle school and didnt develop good study habits. My GPA has been on a large upward trend since the end of sophomore year.

WGPA: 3.98
UW: 3.48

C: 33
E: 33
M: 30
R: 35
S: 32

AP NSL- sophomore. B in class both semesters. 3 on exam
AP Psych- junior. B in class both semesters. 4 on exam
AP Environmental Science- junior. A in class both semesters. 4 on exam
AP Lang- junior. A in class both semesters. 4 on exam
AP Comp Gov- senior, haven’t gotten grades or taken exam yet
AP Lit- senior, haven’t gotten grades or taken exam yet
AP AB Calc- senior, haven’t gotten grades or taken exam yet

Work and Volunteer Experience:
Puree Artisan Juice Bar, 15 hours/week, Purista (11 and 12)

St. Bernard Project, 40 hours/week, participant (2014) and co-planner (2015)
A group of MD students travelled to New Orleans for a week over the summer to assist in rebuilding homes still damaged by Hurricane Katrina.


School newspaper, Layout Editor (12), Web editor (11), and staff writer (10)
Schools newspaper and online resource. Currently work with staff writers to create interesting layouts for their pages.

Operation Stars and Stripes (11 and 12)
We set up a military inspired obstacle course for students to complete, all funds raised go to Walter Reed Medical Center for injured veterans/family.

Dreamcatchers, (11)
DreamCatchers is a non-profit foundation that strives to grant the final Dreams of hospice patients (terminally ill with 6 months or less to live).

Rock Climbing Club, Treasurer (11 and 12)
I was in charge of collecting membership dues for the climbing gym- attended twice a week- and keeping funds organized for off-campus trips.

Dance for a Cause, Head of Advertising Committee (11)
We planned the winter dance for the school, all proceeds went to Children’s National Hospital.

Theater Guild, Light crew (10)
With the other member of the light crew, we put together the lighting design and program for the fall and spring shows.

Summer Program:

University of Maryland Young Scholars Program, 3 weeks, student (2015)
Completed an environmental biology class for credit, earned an A

The 3.48 GPA and 33 ACT are in the range of accepted students.

Your junior year gpa will be important to show you have learned how to study. Sounds like you made the adjustment to your school in time. UW will look at the improvement- better chance than if your grades were the same all years. Students need to show they know how to study because if top test scoring students get by in HS without getting those skills they can easily flunk out. One reason more than one factor considered and there is no rigid gpa/test score admission guarantee.

btw- regardless of the rigor of your school you are expected to do well in what is offered. You may be surprised by the overall caliber of most Wisconsin public schools. Students are not penalized by not having the AP/IB programs available, another good reason weighted grades are not used.