<p>Please grade my essay to the best of your ability between 1-6. 1 being poor and 6 being excellent. Please be honest as this will help me realize where I am at currently.</p>
<p>Topic: What motivates people to change?</p>
<pre><code> People are motivated to change for several reasons. They often are motivated to change because they want to view themselves differently. The vast majority of the population, especially Americans, care too greatly about what their family and friends think of them. Also, some are encouraged to change because of their spouse. In everyone's life span, one is always motivated to change, sooner or later.
Human beings generally tend to get tired of viewing themselves as an average person. When one wakes up and looks at himself in the mirror, he sees a typical person. When one changes, it gives him motivation to look at himself in a different perspective. It arouses excitement in him to feel different. Take Holden Caulfield for example. In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden is a typical college teen with a lot of problems. As the novel comes to an end, he is gradually changing from an apathetic person into a sympathetic brother. People are not only motivated by themselves, but they are also motivated by their peers.
Some do not have the will to encourage themselves to change. However, their peers, in particular their family, friends, and co-workers, have an impact on them to change. Although, the person might not realize it immediately, he does care how people view him as. No one wants to be an mediocre person. Everybody wants to live life to their fullest. In the novel I Am a Legend, Neville who is the protagonist, believes he is the only human alive. As the novel progresses, he encounters a female who is also alive. After she is unwillingly taken to Neville's house, she has an impact on him. He begins to care what she might think of him as. As long as their is one person in someone's life, he is destined to change sooner or later.
Spouses make each other care about what they look like. They do not want each other to go out in the public
<p>I do realize I have grammatical errors in this essay as I was typing it straight from my paper. I did not change it because I wouldn't have been able to go back to fix my mistakes in the time allotted to me on the actual SAT.</p>
<p>Again, I stress that you give me your honest opinion from 1-6 on this essay.</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>