Hi there. I posted something very similar regarding this topic, but I got no reply… so it would be really really great if I could get some input
I am from the Seattle area and I’m choosing between University of Washington and San Diego State. Alright here we go:
My major is Speech Pathology and I am definitely looking to go to grad school after undergrad. Here is the pros and cons list I made for both of the schools…
-cheaper tuition
-academic prestige
-nicer dorms (on West Campus)
-can make connections for future career (I want to live in Seattle as an adult)
-to lower cost of tuition, I could take classes at a nearby community college. Credits would transfer to UW
-can get advice from upperclassmen I know
-tuition hasn’t raised in the past few years
-great tutoring program (CLUE)
-pretty campus
-the campus didn’t give me a special feel when I visited
-lots of people from my high school go here (when I last visited campus, I bumped into 15+ ppl I knew)
-would feel like a college version of my high school (ppl from my school, tons of Asians, similar atmosphere)
-not all my AP credits will be taken (I scored a 3 on some tests that UW will not take)
-I may not “grow” as a person
-the speech pathology building isn’t as nice, aesthetically
-walking in the rain to class
-would rather come back for the master’s program (though it’s very competitive for my program)
-Honors College
-smaller class sizes for honors courses
-already in a community because of honors
-get an additional academic advisor from the honors college
-honors students get access to a part of the school’s library (strictly for honors students)
-pool at honors dorms
-takes more of my AP credits (takes some gen ed’s out of the way)
-has Alpha Delta Chi (a Christian sorority)
-more diversity
-year round sunshine, walking to class in the sun
-relaxing vibe
-pretty strong alumni in Seattle
-beautiful campus
-speech pathology building is nice
-more likely to “grow” as a person
-not as prestigious
-party reputation (I don’t party)
-mindset of some students (not as motivated?)
-may be harder to find a group of friends that fit me?
-tuition rises every year, and sometimes by semester (overall about $5,000 more than UW per year)
Overall I really like both schools and they offer what I want academically. I fee like I may be happier at SDSU, but I know UW is a great school and I would not be sad if I end up going there either.
Based on what I said above, are there any suggestions? Any input would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you 
How nice that “tons of Asians” is a con.
Academically and in terms of national recognition Univ. Of Washington is the better choice. Seattle is a great City and it is easily accessible from campus.
lol. im not trying to be racist or anything. im Asian myself. I was just pointing out that I’ve been a strong Asian community for so long and I may want to branch away from that.
@fogcity I know UW is definitely considered as the “better” school, but I am also concerned about the “cons” that I listed … do you have anything to say about those?
@SeattleTW what makes you say UW?
@shinshin - no problem; didn’t know that. With regards to your cons. They do seem superficial. But if they are big to you and your family will be fine with the extra costs, then SDSU is fine. You should feel delighted about your choice, not regretful. Good luck! Sorry for the misunderstanding
Your cons are superficial. Sure weather is something to consider but ‘walking in the rain to class’…I take it you live in Washington. SURELY you have to be used to the weather by now, and it’s not always going to be sunny and happy in San Diego. Also, don’t worry about prestige. Go for quality of academics and feel. You want to go to grad school and you’ve already established UW is cheaper, so you should probably choose UW.
UW is very difficult to get into from in state. I know of many kids with great stats who would love to go there but couldn’t get in as in state residents. My little brother got in years ago and regrets not going. I know SDSU is in the sunshine and I might be saying something different if it were UCSD…But it’s not.
To me the rain would be huge - the gray and the light reflection when it rains give me headaches. So I totally understand where OP is coming from. I’m all for academic quality but in this case I’d pick SDSU (and I hate parties etc., but my comfort level would be my main preoccupation).
SDSU revamped its honors program to guarantee at least one honors class per semester (you’d probably take 2 each semester during your freshman year, then spread them out), plus study abroad or research experience, starting Fall 2015.
Considering OP would like to do her master’s at UWA, I think SDSU for undergrad + UWa for grad school sounds like a good choice.
Now, let’s talk costs: what is your parents’ budget? How much does each university cost if you count (tuition, fees, room, board) - (scholarships, grants)=? How much would you have to pay in loans (federal? parent plus?) each year?
The rain can’t be that big of a deal to OP because OP wants to settle in Seattle in the future.
As for your UW cons, OP - UW is a huge place, with over 31,000 undergraduates. While you may bump into friends from HS on occasion, with that many students you don’t have to make friends with people from your hometown - there will be new people from all over the state and the world. I doubt that it would feel like a college version of your high school. A quick look shows that there are plenty of Christian organizations, so while that specific sorority might not be there there are other ways to fellowship with other Christian students.
Just because you’ll be closer to home doens’t mean you won’t “grow” as a person. You don’t have to travel far away to grow up - you’ll be in a new environment, not under the watchful eyes of your parents, exposed to all kinds of new people and experiences. You can grow plenty in Seattle.
Personally I don’t see the point of paying more for SDSU when UW is overall a better-reputed school and cheaper. SDSU sounds like a good options, so it won’t be bad if you end up there, and if your parents can afford it - then hey, why not. But UW seems like an overall better choice.
I’m Aztec alumni and from San Diego, and I don’t think you’ve fully considered the implications of your “list”.
SDSU is part of the CSU system which means we charge OOS tuition. It won’t be just $5K more. Total estimated COA is $33962. http://arweb.sdsu.edu/es/admissions/costs.html. That’s just the cost estimate based on the previous year. You won’t ever qualify for instate tuition because your home is in Washington. Your instate costs in Washington will be much more reasonable: https://admit.washington.edu/Paying/Cost#freshmen-transfer
We are an extremely expensive state. Will you have transportation to get to your clinical practicum sites in San Diego county via our freeway systems. We are a huge county via the 8, the 5, the 15, the 805, the 163, the 94, the 125. SLP observations are done all over the county via one of these major arteries or through the smaller freeways.
BTW: San Diego County is extremely diverse. A lot of people come here for the climate. It is a huge mix of everyone. I’m offended that your con for UW is “tons of Asians”. Guess what, then you won’t like SDSU. Because, not only does the school have “tons of Asians”, but also, a lot of “them” are in the Honors college. Unfortunately for you, SDSU is in San Diego (a Spanish name), and we have even more “tons of Mexicans”. You might not want to be around that element.
Additionally, you don’t know that if you major in SP at SDSU, that you will also get into their competitive grad school for your SLP classes. You need a masters degree in SLP to practice, and there are no guarantees that you will get a high enough score on your GRE to gain admission to the department. Plus, graduate housing is almost non-existent at SDSU. You are on your own in the land of $2K month rents.
OTOH, she doesn’t like UW, so perhaps spending the money is worth it. Accordingly, please go to SDSU and let another kid who truly wants to be a Husky take your spot.
Point is, she won’t fit into SDSU.
Based on this year’s applicant pool, her spot at UW would probably go to a Californian.
@SeattleTW, you’ve been enjoying a beautiful springtime up there I see:
@TheDidactic IDK if I’m exactly used to the weather. The winter time is really only bearable for me because my high school is all indoors. Thus, I do not have to walk outside in the rain/snow a lot. I know rain shouldn’t be a big factor, but experiencing a new environment may be valuable, right?
@MYOS1634 That is true about the honors program. What I like about the honors program is that it also gives me an extra academic advisor to help me during my undergraduate studies, a long with the academic advisor that I will already obtain from my major. Additionally, I will be able to experience both small and large classes. Honors courses are capped at 20 people whereas regular courses can reach to 100+ people.
However, another problem is that UW’s grad program is extremely hard to get into for my program. Approximately 11% of applicants are admitted per year. If I go to SDSU and I am not admitted to UW for the grad. program, then I may go out of state again for a master’s program, which would be more costly.
Regarding budget, my parents are fine with me going to either school, as I am an only child. UW is definitely cheaper, but SDSU isn’t overwhelmingly expensive. Another plus is that SDSU has it’s own scholarship database that is ONLY for people that attend SDSU. My parents are not planning take out loans from either school.
@juillet I guess the rain isn’t a huge deal, but I hate the idea of walking to class in the rain. I’ve never had to do that in high school since my school is all indoors.
Yes, UW is definitely a big place. However, bumping into so many people makes me feel like I am not in a new environment. I feel like I am just at a bigger version of my high school.
Also, I am aware that there are many Christian organizations. However, I definitely wish Alpha Delta Chi were at UW. A sorority seems fun, but I do not like the party aspect that a lot of the sororities have. Additionally, I have been looking to grow in my faith. Therefore, I thought Alpha Delta Chi would be something I would definitely fit into.
I guess UW is the “better” choice. But what matters more? The overall reputation of the school? Or the reputation of the specific program at a school? The speech pathology program at both schools are great.