<p>Prompt: Is it important for people to spend time outdoors and to learn to appreciate the natural environment?</p>
<p>I can't figure out any examples about it Please someone help !!!!!??????</p>
<p>Prompt: Is it important for people to spend time outdoors and to learn to appreciate the natural environment?</p>
<p>I can't figure out any examples about it Please someone help !!!!!??????</p>
<p>It doesn’t matter what do you write. However, it does matter how do you write. You may also consider writing a narrative essay. I enjoy writing and reading narrative essays :)</p>
<p>CB is starting to produce some really annoying essays like those in march about photography and reality tv</p>
<p>Photography can be well-connected to history, and reality tv to many things including education and information.</p>
<p>I agree with you in reality tv (animal planet, Nat geo) but how is photography connected to history, I mean if my assignment is about photography what do i say?</p>
<p>Cromba–I can only think of obvious points line spending time outdoors promotes better physical health (exercise), spending time outdoors promotes better mental health (connection with nature, which is larger than ourselves, replenishing the soul, etc), and spending time outdoors makes us more aware of the health of our world, and thus is more likely to create citizens who will try to protect our ecology…</p>
<p>I would write that photography prevents history from being distorted; that many nations interpret history in their own way. But photos are genuine evidence which cannot be disputed. For example, many photos made during the World War II helped us to understand the history as it is; without any exaggregations or digressions.</p>
<p>@Mirage2000 That’s real smart</p>