please help me make a perfect schedule!

<p>my telebears appointment is coming up soon! during calso i picked math1a and chem1. i’m also an mcb/premed. what else should i take to complete my schedule? i have to satisfy the r and c requirement so i’m planning to take either rhetoric or english composition. please just a few questions:</p>

<li><p>does the rhetoric classes require that much more analysis on essays? i’ve hear in english composition you have more to write and read but not much analysis. is this true? or is the analysis level about the same.</p></li>
<li><p>who are the easy teachers for rhetoric or composition?</p></li>
<li><p>for math1a, i signed up for wodzicki. is he easy? or should i try to transfer to hald or vojta?</p></li>
<li><p>what other class should i take that is relatively easy but not a total bs useless class?</p></li>

<p>any help is appreciated!</p>

<p>1)Rhetoric/ English R1A is hard man (ma'am?), take something easier to help your GPA, especially since you're a premed. Take Asian American studies or German or Scandinavian for sure. Yeah, I know you want to take something that interests you, but I'm sure the reality of being pre-med will kick in preeety soon. But if you're a super good writer, go ahead :o)</p>

<p>2) I've never heard these two classes are easy.....for me at least.</p>

<p>3) dunno - -/</p>

<p>4) You any good at multiple choice test? Yes --> Bio 1B, Psych 2.</p>

<p>And of course, there's the epitome of easy class that is IB 131 taught by Diamond. Sadly, you will have zero chance of getting in as a freshie.</p>

<p>P.S. And as for me, I can finally have my perfect schedule, having absolutely no classes on Thursday. hahahaha I'm so damn happy.</p>

<p>wow thanks alot!</p>

<p>Is IB 131 really a cake-walk? I'm taking EE20N, CS61B, Physics H7B and I'm looking for a nice not too time-consuming yet interesting class to take, would IB 131/131L be okay?</p>

<p>Diamond (she always teaches that class) gives out questions and answers of the midterm you'll be taking. In an IDEAL situation, you don't even need to go to class, except the one before the midterm. However, she may not have time to cover all of them (it depends on class participation during the "review" lecture), which was what happened last year and everyone was screwed. So, be advised, and know the basics.</p>

<p>IB131L is a notorious lab class. Don't take it if you want an easy class or if you don't need it.</p>

<p>hey hypnosx do you know anything about the comp lit classes? i'm thinking about taking comparative lit r1a if english and rhetoric are too hard =(</p>

<p>10 charchar</p>