Please Help

<p>how bad can u do in the second semester of ur senior year to have ur admission revoked, is one F ok, how about like 2 D's, am i screwed for life????</p>

<p>2 Ds and F is REALLY pushing it.</p>

<p>They only rescinded something like 10 offers of admission last year, but those that did had Ds and Fs.</p>

<p>So yeah, i'd say it's a definite possibility.</p>

<p>no no, that was me in ultra panic mode</p>

<p>i might get one D at worst, </p>

<p>or 2 C's</p>

<p>the rest all A's and B's</p>

<p>any thoughts?</p>


<p>do whatever you have to to NOT get a d and youll be fine. Cs or better are ok, especially for grad seniors :D</p>

<p>1 D is cool just don't get it imo.</p>

<p>I thought you meant you had 2 Ds and an F!</p>

<p>Glad to hear you're ok :P</p>

<p>I'd still be careful, but I doubt you'll get in trouble over a couple of Cs,.... maybe over a D but I somewhat doubt it.</p>