<p>White female from Northern Virginia</p>
<p>SATS- 580 Math, 630 CR, 740 Writing</p>
<p>ECs- varsity dance, DECA (state & international awards @ competition), Spanish Honor Society VP, Political Club President, NHS, service club where we socialize w/ special ed students</p>
<p>GPA- approx. 3.84 weighted, ~3.74 uw</p>
<p>I have a 4.1 so far senior year- really trying to get all A's.</p>
<p>9 IB/AP Classes Total</p>
<p>School is so big that we don't rank :( </p>
<p>Thank you so much! Any input is appreciated!</p>
<p>my bro applied there btu didn;t get in… still your SAT’S are hgiher than his and you’ve taken more AP classes so I think you’lget in!!!</p>
<p>i think you have a good chance, but nothing is for sure. just keep those grades up!</p>
<p>Any other input??? I’m freaking out here, I want to go to UVA so badly!</p>
<p>How is your essay? It really matters for UVA. What about SAT II’s? Teacher rec’s? All of those get looked at pretty closely.</p>
<p>I’m a good writer so I think my essays are good- but who doesn’t think their essays are good? haha</p>
<p>I took Spanish & Lit SAT IIs- i won’t know how I did until Dec 23rd. </p>
<p>My teacher recs should be very good, but I don’t get to see them.</p>