Please rate my sat essay

<p>Note: I wrote this in 25 mins according to the Sat rules,so i did not revise it,but i got to find one spelling mistake,plz rate it.
Topic: Does everyone see everything from the same prespective?</p>

<p>Does everyone see everything from the same perspective? This question drove many people crazy? Today, after I made many researches, I finally found the that answer for that question. Which is no.</p>

<p>I found this question while reading the newspaper beside the caf</p>

<p>Weak example and poor grammar. I assume that English isn’t your native language? </p>


<p>whoa,that is too low,I posted it on another website and I got 10,anyway I agree with you, it was a bad,but it was my first 25 min esaay, I write better when I know that I have a long time(45 mins)</p>


<p>please score my essay
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