Please read i will be so happy if you do

<p>Alright, I'm applying to NC State.
I have a 4.4 GPA weighted,
1830 SAT,
27 ACT,
a clean personal statement about my passion for my major of choice (Education),</p>

<p>Competitive Dancer and Title Winner (dancing about 8-11 hours a week)
In dance, I am the assistant coach of two of the younger dance teams
Also in dance, I help teach a free dance class to children and adults with special needs
I am employed as a dance teacher to a 3/4 year old class one hour a week</p>

<p>I created two service projects, on my Freshman year where I gave free childcare to families in my community that are in need and the other I created about a month ago to collect litter and recyclable materials in my community.</p>

<p>I was on JV Soccer my Freshman year</p>

<p>I played in band my Freshman year and was first chair trumpet</p>

<p>For the past three years I have worked as a "nanny" of three children about 6 hours a week after school.</p>

<p>I am extremely involved in church activities, I was invited to join the "Youth Leadership Team" in which I had to learn to be an advocate in my community, I gave free childcare once a month to families that wanted to attend church, I participated in a Operation Christmas Child packaging service project my Sophomore year</p>

<p>I was on Colorguard for 2 years and received the "Most Improved" award</p>

<p>I was a student intern at an elementary school for 2 semesters</p>

<p>These are the highlights of what I have done.....</p>

<p>I have taken or plan to take (before graduating): AP World, AP Language, AP US History, Ap Earth Science, AP Psychology, AP Literature, AP Statistics, Pre-Calc, Spanish 1/2/3/4, and of course all of the other required classes at an honors level.</p>

<p>However, trying to abbreviate my explanation of extra curriculars to fit the box really backfired and I have a total of 4 or 5 grammar errors. I have a comma that is unneeded (ex. sally, and susan) , I needed to make something plural that was singular (assitant coach of the junior and teen team(s)) , I have the wrong verb tense(interacted (with) and taught), and I left a "t" off of "project", and for Earth Science Club I wrote "secretary, plan and organize events)</p>

<p> will this affect my chances?</p>

<p>Relax, adcoms are not going to ignore who you are because of a couple of mistakes on your app and some of the mistakes are subtle</p>