Please Recommend Housing!

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I'm having a tough time deciding between the various options. I think my priorities are proximity to classes, proximity to the gym (are there multiple gyms?), and newness/size of dorms in that order.</p>

<p>I'm a prospective bioengineering student and have heard that Foothill may be the best for engineering majors.</p>

<p>What do you guys think? Would Foothill double -> Foothill triple -> Unit 1 double -> Unit 3 double -> Any be a good order of preference?</p>

<p>A lot of people recommend Foothill for engineering students because a lot of engineering classes are located around that area (particularly good for EECS considering how close Soda and Cory are). However, realize that you'll be an incoming Freshman and probably won't be taking a lot (if any) engineering courses your first year.</p>

<p>Hm, according to the bioE website, my freshmen year curriculum will look something like Department</a> of Bioengineering: UC Berkeley</p>

<p>I'll be taking multivar calc for sure, and it looks like I need to take chem, phys, and an engineering class according to that site. </p>

<p>Do these courses do justice for going to Foothill?</p>

<p>No. I'd say E10 would be the only exception, but that's only 1 course. Those all might not be the exact courses you take next semester as well. I personally think it'd be better to be in a more social environment and be on the South side of campus than to be in a less social environment just so that your trip to 1 or maybe 2 courses is shorter.</p>

<p>Where's the gym located? </p>

<p>Also, I've heard the Bioengineering is a pretty rigorous major (comparable or maybe even more difficult than EECS) - will it be easier to get sidetracked (considering I'm the average Cal student) if I'm in a more social environment (ie. in the units)?</p>

<p>Yes, it will be easy to get sidetracked if you lack discipline. However, you should still live in the units :]
Just learn how to get your work done (ie get your work done at the library or elsewhere on campus before heading back home even if that means staying on campus till its dark.</p>

<p>Gym is located 2 or so blocks west of unit 3; 5 or so blocks from other units</p>

<p>I think blaming living in the Units for not doing well in your major is a pretty bad excuse. If you're not good at BioE you'll do badly pretty much regardless of where you live. Yes, the Units will be more social and maybe less quiet, but it won't be anything extreme enough to seriously impact your performance in your major. If you WANT to do well then you won't let the more social environment prevent you from doing your work.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input everyone. I think I'm set on the units.</p>