<p>Assignment: Is the world changing for the better?</p>
<p>As the human race walks through the passage of time, society advances to unification and technological and scientific innovations. Based on the greater and greater aggregations of civilized groups from primitive tribes to whole nations, neutral zones dedicated to scientific study, and genius men like Steve Jobs, the world will continue to change for the better of humanity.</p>
<p>Long ago, near the faded and blurry edge of time when humans could barely be considered humans, our ancestors hunted in small groups, as tribes bonded by the dangers of their world. But they also grouped together to take down larger prey, become multifunctional with women cooking and taking care of the young while the men did the more laborious work. Together, they dreamt only of survival, but as generations rolled by, this became a group to share ideas as well. As time rolled by, these primitive humans, eventually, became townsmen and women, trading currency for materials. Developed trade allowed greater division of work so some could perfect other technique besides farming. Rom this process, leaders were born and thus empires as well. As empires fell, greater ones replaced them until finally, even larger entities were formed known as the countries we know of today. From this pattern, it can be predicted that in the future, humanity will be under one political entity As Earthlings. We will all move and work for one goal and one purpose. Thus, we know we are changing for the better in this aspect.</p>
<p>In the Antarctica zones, nations have established neutral grounds for scientific research, such as the Doomsday Seed Vault and the Ice cube Neutrino facility. Those establishments indicate eventual unification and advancement for the better as well. It appears that scientific innovation will be the glue that sticks the political bodies today together tomorrow.</p>
<p>With men such as Steve Jobs working to improve the future, humanity will not only depend on the unification of the large bodies but influential individuals as well. Men like Steve Jobs have a philosophy to make a dent in the universe, and with their inspiring visions, they create their dreams into reality. Jobs has already innovated telecommunications, MP3, video technology, and pressed groups like Microsoft to imitate his own company Apple. By creating technology in the name of beauty, Jobs takes whats already made and renovates them to become true works of art like the newly made Ipad. </p>
<p>Observations from historic patterns of society, current scientific operations, and powerful leaders like Steve Jobs, the world will, indeed, change for the better. Together, under the motto of the Beijing 2008 Olympics, humanity will live under one world, one dream one day.</p>