<p>Okay, so I know that no one can actually tell me what my parents are thinking, but I desperately need to vent somewhere. I will try not to write a book, but I will give some background.</p>
<p>My whole life, up until a few years ago, evolved around the arts - primarily drawing and the fine arts, but I also became quite interested in graphic and web design. This was unsettling for my parents since they didn't believe I would find a job to support myself if I went to college for art. Well, lucky for them, I fell in love with my psychology courses one semester into college and became a psychology major without any regrets. I now have my bachelor's degree (as of Dec. 2010). </p>
<p>I found a job immediately as a sales lead (lower management) at a department store, which I consider myself to be pretty darn lucky to have gotten. The pay was okay. Two months ago I applied for and received the human resources position at the same store and got a raise. Still not much considering my student loan debt and other bills, but I am in a significantly better position than many of my peers and paying all of my bills except car insurance, but I am also still living at home. I can only save roughly $200-300 per month, so the chances of me moving out anytime soon are nonexistent.</p>
<p>The plan has been to apply to doctorate programs since my sophomore year of college. Due to a number of physical health issues over the past few months, as well as a bit of a mental breakdown - anxiety attacks and severe depression, which I had "overcome" for the past few years after dealing with them through all of middle and high school - I have decided to wait until next year to apply to graduate schools. I am looking at marketing programs in consumer behavior, and possibly still applying to some social psychology programs.</p>
<p>Now, I paid for all of my own schooling with student loans because my parents do not support higher education beyond perhaps community college or trade school. My dad has been listening to a lot of those conservative talk shows - I know at least one is Rush Limbaugh - that are feeding him the notion that education is meaningless and that you can get to where you want to go without the high costs. He's also been sending me blog articles about what a waste graduate school is. Personally, I think he is somewhat envious that I am doing the things HE wanted to do 25-30 years ago, but his parents hadn't helped him either so he dropped out of college. My mom is an LPN and doesn't see the point in a well-rounded education, that I should only take classes related to my major and only study fields that will get me a good job immediately. </p>
<p>Now, I agree that college is not for everyone and that some very successful people got their success without it. I am not bashing conservatives or even what they are saying on those talk/radio shows. But I am an academic. I truly LOVE school. I cannot wait to go to graduate school (assuming I'm accepted somewhere), and I have always been very successful in school. In all honesty, it is all I have. I'm overly shy/anxious/socially unskilled, and so I have no friends at all, currently no boyfriend, and I hate my job. I cannot handle working in a store that does illegal and unethical things and sweeps them under the rug with such grace. If this were to end up being my career because I didn't go to grad school...well, I honestly don't think I have anything at all to look forward to anymore in my life. But I don't want to get into that subject.</p>
<p>So today my mom made a comment that I should have stuck with art because she heard of ONE person who's daughter got a great job. Okay, so they talked down about art when I was looking at that, and now I've poured out a ton of time and money on another field, and now they're telling me art would have been better. That is frustrating. I think a lot of it has to do with them not wanting me to go to grad school. My dad told me college "ruined" me because I am a bit liberal on some issues and disagree with him on a lot of things, but I generally do not bring up those topics. My mom I think is afraid of me moving away, even though I am applying to at least 2 or 3 schools within 2 hours of home. </p>
<p>I am the only "academic" person in my family; most did not attend college or only took some courses at a community college. Which is fine. But to be talked down about because I'm going after something else - because I love it, not because I think I'm better or that I need it to prove anything - I am really tired of it. They are unhappy with the job I got with my degree (the HR position I have) even though I knew and told them the prospects weren't good until I continued my education (and now they're trying to talk me out of continuing it). I think the fact that they make more money with no college degrees makes them think even less of getting an education, and they can't seem to realize that the times have changed. They know I am pathetically unhappy, but they don't care. They think I should pursue jobs I do not want and be miserable - but financially well off. I don't have that perspective. </p>
<p>I guess it is even more depressing to come on to this site and see all of you posting for suggestions to help your kids, offer them advice, talking about the way you are scraping by to help them pay for their education. I think it's wonderful that you all do that. I just wish I had anyone in my life who cared a fraction as much. </p>
<p>So now I'm sounding pitiful, and I believe I ended up writing a mini novel anyway, so I will stop at this point. I am venting more than I am asking for advice, but opinions are welcome. At least I was able to vent about it somewhere, even though I don't know what I'm really expecting as far as comments.</p>