Pleasee tell me how good a chance I have :)

<p>Hey :slight_smile: I’m applying ED to Brown… What chance do you think I have of getting accepted?</p>

<li>US DUAL CITIZEN (European and American passport), living in the Middle East</li>
<li>School Type: Competitive Private American International school (over 80 nationalities)</li>
<li>Ethnicity: African American</li>
<li>Gender: Female</li>
<li>Bilingual- German/English</li>
<li>Graduate HS at 16</li>
<li>Major: Premedicine</li>
<li>SAT I: 1910 (600 M, 650 CR, 660 W)</li>
<li>SAT II: Biology-E (620), Math I (640)</li>
<li>Unweighted GPA (out of 4.4): 3.75</li>
<li>Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): No rank at my school</li>
<li>Full IB Diploma, predicted score of 39/45</li>
<li>Junior and Senior Course Load:
IB Higher Level Biology, English and Psychology
IB Standard Level Math, Arabic, Physics
+Theory of Knowledge</li>

<p>*High honor roll grades 9-12</p>

<p>*Extracurriculars: Varsity Track and Field (3 years, won medals, attended international meets in Egypt), Model United Nations (2 years, attended international conferences in Egypt)</p>

<p>*Volunteer/Community service: Cofounder and Vice President of Conservation Club (Raise money and awareness, give talks etc. about animal conservation), President of Operation Smile Club (2/3 years), Volunteered at a hospital in Oman</p>

<p>*Summer Activities and Job/Work Experience: Volunteered at a hospital/charity in India for one month, Assistant at a daycare</p>

<p>*Essays: I think they’re pretty good- show my passion for Premed and the environment</p>

<p>*Teacher Recommendations: One from my IB Higher Level English teacher (REALLY nice, She let me read it) and one from my IB Higher Level Biology teacher
*Counselor Rec: Really nice, he let me read it…</p>

<p>*Also applying to PLME</p>

<p>Haha, nice you’re from dubai. I was born and raised in the UAE (though i’m not Emirati). I actually wrote my common app essay on my experience emigrating from the UAE to the US…and i’m also a US dual citizen!</p>

<p>that said, i’m not sure if you’re considered an international or not since you’re a citizen living overseas</p>

<p>you have a lot of experience which should make for some great essays, your stats are lower than the average (and so are mine) for the PLME…they have average SAT scores ranging from 720-740 per section…and from what i’ve seen on this site, this is the hardest med program to get into with a ~3-4% acceptance rate, so, realistically speaking, none of us really have a good chance…but we’re all applying and all we can do is hope for the best, sorry thats all i can tell you</p>

<p>Also, I have no idea how they select applicants, will you have an advantage because you’re an african-american us citizen living in dubai? we’ll find out dec 11…</p>

<p>Haha thats cool!
Yeah I won’t be considered as international, but as a US citizen abroad…
That’s true, my stupid SAT’s are pretty low, I’m just not the standardized test taker :S Do you think that lowers my chances alottt?</p>

<p>Haha I hope living abroad gives me an advantage :P</p>

<p>Anyone else? I’ll take any comments/advice!</p>

<p>I think your SAT is a little bit low for PLME, but I love your cultural diversity.</p>

<p>Anyway, it is very difficult to predict anyone if he is admitted or not since stats are not very important factors in application.</p>

<p>You are a competitive applicant and have a good chance.</p>

<p>Just wait patiently until Mid-Dec.Good luck!</p>

<p>Being a minority will help you out a lot, and I think you have a very colorful background. Don’t worry about the test scores. It looks like you’ve got a pretty good chance.</p>

<p>Thanks! :)</p>

<p>Thanks so much, my SAT scores have been worrying me for monthsss…</p>

<p>It might be too late, but you should consider taking the ACT. Many kids who do poorly on the SAT do well on the SAT. </p>

<p>I’m particularly concerned about the 600 math score. That is extremely low for a pre-med student at Brown.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’ve taken the ACT’s but I’m not sure how well I did because I was really sick on the test day, and I only took them once… To be safe, I haven’t sent the scores to Brown yet, and I’ll wait to see how they are before I send them… (They come out in a few days). I’m hoping that they will be stronger than my SAT’s in which case I’ll definitely send them…</p>

<p>Do you think Brown may overlook my poor SAT math scores because I have done well in my highschool and IB math classes? I’m really just not a good standardized test taker, even in subjects that I am good at… :S</p>

<p>I’m going to be very honest and say that the chances of getting in pre-med with a 600 math SAT are low. Perhaps if you had a glowing recommendation from a math teacher who said you had an exceptional mathematical mind. Brown would be very concerned, with such a low score, on how you would do in the required pre-med classes, which are extremely rigorous. You are an URM, which might help. But if your parents both went to college – and you do attend a private school – then the URM won’t help much. </p>

<p>According to Brown, students with a 600-640 math SAT were accepted at a rate of 10%. So it does happen.</p>

<p>But I also notice that your GPA is pretty low too, unless your school has grade deflation.</p>

<p>Also, remember that as a pre-med student, to be accepted to med school you have to do well on your boards. Those are standardized tests, too.</p>

<p>@rireandrain: actually I think adcoms don’t take ACTs as seriously as they do SAT scores. I’ve seen an adcom talk about this and I do trust him – in another post, I talked about how like…academic potential seemed to correlate with higher SAT scores than ACT scores at my school</p>

<p>@bicyclekick: i don’t think PLME’s the hardest program to get into. Despite the 4% acceptance rate (one year 1600 applied, 60 got in…another year 1974 applied, 79 got in), the one for the Rice/Baylor program is at about 2% (a girl I know who got into that program also got into Harvard),and the Northwestern HPME should be pretty hard too(average SAT i subscores for that program are ~750 and only 20 people get accepted). </p>

<p>Considering PLME from the other schools, I actually thought PLME was the easier BA/MD program, which is why I only chose Brown’s to apply to.</p>

<p>^ I don’t believe that using % accepted is the best way to evaluate the difficulty of getting into each program . . .</p>

<p>fireandrain, i have a question for you</p>

<p>i got a 700 on SAT math, but on the subject tests, i was grossly underprepared and got a low score on math2 (which i’m retaking in dec, too late for ED), will that hurt me even if i have 2 high scores in other subjects (1 of them being a science)?</p>


<p>I didn’t get a letter of rec from my math teacher :S but I took IB Standard level Math, and had around an A-, do you think that will help, because Standard level IB math is pretty rigorous, (Math studies is the easiest, Higher level is hardest and standard level is in the middle, but Higher level is meant for like business majors etc.)…</p>

<p>Yeah, I I’m not sure if they’ll look at me as an URM, but I made sure that I put alot of emphasis on how I lived abroad for over half of my life, and I talked about the almost 20 different countries around the world that I’ve visited and how I could bring “cultural diversity” to Brown in the classroom and stuff… Do you think that’ll help overcome the low SAT scores?</p>

<p>Brown says it considers ACT scores as seriously as SAT scores, and I take admissions at its word on that. I’ve never had reason to doubt their sincerity.</p>

<p>bicyclekick: I’ve always meant to ask more about the SAT IIs. My impression is that they are not as important as the SAT or ACT. I think if you score over a certain number (and I don’t know what that number is, my guess is above 600 or 650) you are OK. A 400 might be a red flag that there is a problem. </p>

<p>ILurveBrown: I am not an admissions officer and I can’t see your entire file so I can’t predict what Brown will do. I’m just trying to be honest with you – 600 is a really low score for an applicant interested in science. They would be concerned that you wouldn’t be able to do the work (heck, students who have scored in the 700s in math struggle to do the work). The diversity you bring is irrelevant to the academic concerns, because there are plenty of applicants who bring diversity and high SAT scores. I know nothing about the IB program, so I can’t help you there.</p>

<p>Good luck to all in this thread!</p>

<p>Yeah, you’re right, my SAT scores are low… I guess I just have to hope that they count my other qualities and the other things I can offer as more important that the stupid questions that I got wrong… :S & put me in that 10% :)</p>

<p>Who knows, maybe I’ll be luckyyy :slight_smile: I can’t make any changes to my scores now so I guess if it’s meant to be that I get in and go to Brown, I’ll get in :slight_smile: At least that’s what I tell myself hahaha :P</p>

<p>THANKS VIOLAINA! :smiley: <3 You tooo</p>

<p>Oh my gosh, I put down the wrong SAT scores!!!
My MATH is actually 650 and my CRITICAL READING is 600!
Does that make it a little bit better? Haha :P</p>

<p>Lurve- Your app is submitted. Try to relax and think nice thoughts. Be positive!</p>