<p>Can I get the same job regardless of the degree?
Can I work for the UN, NGO or NSA specifically on international focus regardless of the degree?</p>
<p>I'm a transfering to UCLA from a CC.</p>
<p>Other majors I'm considering are Geography, History, East Asian studies. Asian reg or hum. ME studies.</p>
<p>I'm russian and I speak russian so I'm thinking that I could do a Russian Studies major and get some sort of job with that. </p>
<p>Hi. I have the same problem. I am choosing between geography at a state college or IR at an online college.</p>
<p>At the moment I am leaning toward geography because with that, at least I will have some skills (if I specialize in cartography or GIS). And I think you can join the peace corps with any degree. The IR option does not offer enough career paths (I think). And the CIA hires geographers… Not sure about the NSA or the UN.</p>
<p>What I like abougt geography is that it’s a good mix of liberal arts and technical skills.</p>