Political Science: UCD or UCSD

<p>I live in norcal and was admitted to UCSD as a polisci major in ERC and to UCD as an international relations major (but maybe switching over to polisci). I am really torn between the two because programs at SD consistently rank higher than those in Davis…but Ive also read that all of the UCs besides UCLA and Cal are regarded more or less the same by employers and have comparable undergrad education.</p>

<p>UCD: can go home more often, love the campus more, internships at the capitol, people seem friendlier?</p>

<p>UCSD: higher rankings, more study abroad opportunities, school of IR…but expensive living and quite far from home</p>

<p>These are just some of the main factors that Im considering. Anyone care to weigh in?</p>

<p>I think Davis is the better decision for you. Even in UCSD’s program is better, and I’m not sure it is, it won’t make up for the internship opportunities that you can get at Sacramento by going to Davis. Davis still has plenty of study-abroad programs, and it will certainly help if you like the campus more.</p>

<p>can anyone summarize the strengths and weaknesses of each undergrad department?</p>

<p>I thought all the UCs share the same study abroad program? iono. lol
Oh, btw, I chose UCD over UCSD last year partly because of the internship and job opportunities at UCD. I’m undeclared major, intended biochemistry/molecular biology. Currently intern at a pharmacy in Davis and work as a tutor for Davis.</p>

<p>To confirm, UCSD’s poli sci is ranked very highly, although not sure if that’s reason enough to come here (even with the study abroad options, your reasons for going to Davis seem stronger).</p>

<p>seems like there would be a lot more internships at davis, but does that weigh more than a higher ranking undergrad program?</p>