<p>I'm curious to see how many people care and how many people don't care when it comes to roomates bringing significant others over to make out (not necessarily sex, just making out in general). Also, are you a girl or a guy? Do girls get irritated more than guys do?
Sorry, I'm a Psych nerd, I like surveys ;)</p>
<p>I’m a girl, and if my roommate brought her boyfriend over I wouldn’t really care. But that’s because I know him as a friend. However, if I had a random roommate and she brought over her random bf, I probably still wouldn’t care. They can have sex or whatever too, as long as they do it in HER room (provided that our beds are in separate areas, if not, then she has to go to his place if she wants to have sex. either that or I’d just leave).</p>
<p>Also, depending on the college we go to, her BF might room with us anyways (be it an apartment, or we secretly swap roommates).</p>
<p>Um, kiz137, that’s how I felt … until it happened to me. For the record, I hate it when they’re cuddling or he sleeps over. It’s so awkward for me.</p>
<p>Simple rule: not while I’m in the room.<br>
My roommate and I have an agreement that we’ll ask the other if we want privacy, and it’s worked fine so far.</p>
<p>Question: Do anyone experiences of your roommate having sex with someone while you’re sleeping? Disturbing?</p>
<p>I’m not in college, but honestly I don’t think there is any way I would be okay with her actually sleeping over unless I’m out of town or away for some reason.</p>
<p>If it doesn’t happen much, then I don’t mind. I can leave the room empty for a while, no big deal. I just don’t want to be stuck somewhere else for the entire night or have a third roomate. It hasn’t been a huge issue at all in my room- we’re very laid back about it all.</p>
<p>Please. When you’re in college, your room is used for far more than just sleeping. It’s your entire house condensed into one tiny room. My old roommate used to bring her long term boyfriend over fairly often - as long as they weren’t hooking up when I was there, I didn’t mind. So what if he slept over? It was one more body in the room, and as long as they weren’t fooling around, why would it even matter?</p>
<p>I also tried to be accommodating about giving them “alone time” when they wanted it since, well, you’ve gotta do it somewhere. I think that contributed to neither of them feeling it was necessary to do anything besides platonically sleep/cuddle when I was in the room.</p>
<p>I think before you get to college, you have all these high and mighty ideas of what will be okay or not okay with your roommate. As you start actually living with another person and taking their needs and desires into account, things change. I don’t think it’s disrespectful at all to have a SO in the room.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t mind at all if my roommate brought a boy over to sleep, and my boyfriend’s roommate doesn’t mind that I sleep over a couple nights a week (I’ve asked him several times, and we were friends before I started dating his roommate so he’d tell me the truth).</p>
<p>I’ve been in a room before with a couple hooking up. It was only awkward for them because we still make fun of them for it, a month and a half later</p>
<p>As long as they give fair warning and aren’t over constantly, I don’t have a problem. It’s their room as well as mine.</p>
<p>I’m a bit paranoid about it ever since my last roommate, who at the time I knew for a total of three days, had sex with her boyfriend in my bed because they thought it would be more “adventurous.”</p>
<p>I found out only because I accidentally left my webcam running for my blog and got an absurd amount of comments about it.</p>
<p>I got my revenge, though.</p>
<p>^ What was your revenge?</p>
<p>it’s fine by me. but my roomie doesnt have a gf, and i do haha</p>
<p>I’m a girl. I don’t care as long as they aren’t doing the nasty.</p>
<p>I wouldnt care</p>
<p>My school had an email address for publishing mass emails where anything you send to that address is forwarded to the entire school and any alumni on the list.</p>
<p>I made a fake email account and forwarded the video to the campus.</p>
<p>It was the talk of the town, for awhile.</p>
<p>I was never suspected either, she thought her boyfriend did it for fun.</p>
<p>^That is hilarious. Nice job.</p>
<p>Oh my gosh PlattsburghLoser you’re so bad! But I would have been ****ed off too. I mean, having sex on my bed is not cool. And they weren’t even going to tell you about it!</p>
<p>my roommate’s gf is part of our circle of friends anyway so i see her a lot. i personally dont mind it when she’s over because we’re friends but it kinda bothers me sometimes how theyre cuddling underneath the blanket either when im around or even when my other friends are around.</p>
<p>I don’t mind at all my roommate were to have a significant other or even random hookup over, as long as she gave me warning if she needed privacy. If I had to be sexiled at night, I would be annoyed, but as long as I’ve got time to grab a textbook and head to the study lounge, I have no issues with making myself scarce for an hour or two.</p>
<p>That being said, my roommate doesn’t mind me having my boyfriend over at all, and his roommate doesn’t mind me being over, because we’re respectful and keep things to cuddling when she’s around. Same with his roommate. In turn, we’re considerate with our exploits because we wait for our roommates to go out on weekend excursions to engage in anything inappropriate for company.</p>