Poor GPA and SAT scores, Is a college of my choice possible?

I didn’t know my GPA was so low! I made an accumulated 3.0 GPA in high school and my SAT scores were /really/ bad. I didn’t know any of the math so I just guessed everything! I made a 510 in Reading, 510 in Writing and a 280 in Math. I’m willing to try to be the best that I can be in my education from now on. I hate how terrible I let myself perform in high school, and I know I could have done so much more! I’ve always been afraid to challenge myself, but now that it’s too late to fix high school I need to redeem myself in college. If I attend a junior college and get a really good GPA, would a university overlook my high school performance? I’m going to attend Wharton County Junior College for two years in hopes of transferring to Texas A&M College Station for Business