"Popular Kids" after high school

<p>lethargytm you are my hero.</p>

<p>hahah. i'm usually a semi quiet person sober. on the computer or studying when im not chilling or drinking. its really embarrassing though waking up sometimes almost naked and you dont remember anything or even worse, wake up in someone else's room. the first thing i always do after waking up from drinking is, what did i do last night?</p>

<p>waking up almost naked? sign of a good night..</p>

<p>when i mean almost naked i meant in boxers/briefs. i have the tendendacy to take off my clothes when under the influence.</p>

<p>I once clothesline a streaker* who ran too close to me at a party once. I hope it wasn't you, lethargy.</p>

<p><em>Earlier in the night, he and his limp-dick friends surrounded the keg and kept trying to pester my friend into doing a keg stand (re: try and get her drunk) before they would give us beer. After some of exchange of words, they eventually relented, but I was irritated. Then that guy got way </em>*hammered, stripped completely naked and started running around.</p>

<p>I dont get completely naked. It would be too cold. Guy sounds like an ahole. I'd probably suggest to a girl to do a keg stand but never refuse to give out beer. Thats a sin.</p>

<p>the majority of kids at my hs were of decent intelligence so even the dumbest "popular" kids went to school (except for a special few who you never hear about again). and again there wasnt a "popular" group there was just different cliques. we were the smart kids who drank. and then within our group we had two jocks, a dancer, a cheerleader, an asian.. so yeah idk where im going.</p>

<p>if the popular kids were a-holes to you in HS dont worry about then cause youll never worry aobut them. but if you were fun and outgoing nad popular in HS it does not mean you are doomed to fail. i think everyone knows that peopel are different from the labels that middle school gives them.</p>

<p>and something that AUlostchick said in the way beginning. it was also different for me, because like her who had gone to school with the same kids forever, i went to school with pretty much the same 300 kdis from 1st-12th grade so everyone had some kind of connection/could have a conversation and chill out and be friendly</p>

<p>mm..i ended up running around unclothed at the last big party i went to before school was out.
i generally don't make a habit of public stripping..but i totally had an excuse because i sat in vomit (not mine!) and naturally had to remove my skirt. then, taking off my shirt was an appropriate following action, according to me in my drunken state hahah.</p>

<p>also, what kind of frat doesn't "generously" give out alcohol to girls with absolutely no strings attached?!</p>

<p>I have news for you OP if your posting this stuff here... your probably not as normal as you would like to think</p>

also, what kind of frat doesn't "generously" give out alcohol to girls with absolutely no strings attached?!


<p>Those guys were not the brothers at the frat. I don't think I would had clotheslined a brother even if he deserved it. That's how gang-beatings happen.</p>

<p>haha i hate frats (well, mostly just frat guys). i generally just drink all their alcohol and leave..</p>

<p>Link me, chuy? I'm curious if any girls were honest and courageous enough to say something like "yeah, I only like black [or any other ethnicity] guys." Judging by the height thread, the replies to girls' honest responses must be hilarious.</p>

<p>There's a thread like every week about white girls and asian guys in the CC cafe. Some of the girls are actually brutally honest.</p>

<p>They could be attractive. Even if they aren't, attractive women are only going to be pickier.</p>

<p>Depends what you consider a big deal, I guess. I know a lot of girls that won't get over racial barriers, regardless of how much game a guy has, But there are always women that won't care if someone is, or will actually prefer, for example, an asian guy.</p>

<p>I'm not gonna lie, your looks will determine your success with woman for the rest of your life. </p>

<p>Sounds rough? yeah, it is. But so are rape camps in Darfur.
My point? Try to find happiness in who you are, even if you're ugly, cuz by making this post, I know you're ugly.</p>

<p>That said, I'm a short, kinda goofy looking dude, and I have dated attractive women, but in net, I'm alone most nights. Looking back, I wished I spent my time on hobbies and studying, rather than worrying about trying to get girls. I put in a lot of energy, only for an occasional success. The rest of the time I was bitter, and even posted my bitterness, that my better looking friends got more girls. Again, I look back, and there are ugly guys that get zero girls, and many of them are happily sitting in the engineering or computer science building.</p>

<p>The girls I got in the past have zero effect on my happiness at present; it only affects my ego. Instead, I'm left with unfulfilled desire. Being completely, 100% honest.</p>

<p>Just make alot of money and you will attract superficial girls. or guys. whatever your preference.</p>

I'm not gonna lie, your looks will determine your success with woman for the rest of your life.


<p>Actually, the contrary has been well-documented. Looks will naturally provide a competitive advantage, but mens' success with women is contingent far less on looks than vice versa.</p>

<p>^^^ as you get older. But you still have to be cleaned up and at least well dressed. Girls don't give me the time of day when I don't have a haircut or nice clothes on or shaven.. but girls tend to hit on me more and are much nicer when I am dressed nicer.</p>

I'm not gonna lie, your looks will determine your success with woman for the rest of your life.


It's not necessarily looks, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Girls really go for so much more than that. Every girl, like every guy, has their own definition for what is good looking and what isn't. To back up Russell7, I think asian guys are usually cute. Soooo no to success being correlated with looks.</p>